JoaoLopesF / RemoteDebug

Library for Arduino to debug projects over WiFi, with web app or telnet, with print commands like Serial Monitor
MIT License
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debug messages repeated and ANSI escape showing #45

Open jetpax opened 5 years ago

jetpax commented 5 years ago

I'm seeing what looks like a buffer overflow when sending debug messages, that displays the ANSI escape message )see image)

I don't see them ever when RemoteDebug sends 'Project commands", eg u command in image, but as you can see when debugI for example sends data from my program, sometimes the previous response is repeated with part of the ANSI escape sequence missing and hence appears as text.


JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Hi @jetpax

Any answers:

I not see it before, so do I make a simple sketch to reproduce it ? (to isolate another logic)

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

Please add some your logic to example advanced of RemoteDebug to reproduce it

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

I do some debugI, but not lost the escape on ansi: image

jetpax commented 5 years ago

MacOS 10.14.2, homebrew telnet client v.60, occurs about 50% of the time.

effect is always last message is repeated, but with first char missing (ie escape)

interestingly, I don't have a function called operator() as shown in the above, so not sure where that comes from.... maybe because debug is in a callback function (of asyncwebserver, the server.on method, see below)


    server.on("/api/vehicle", HTTP_PATCH, [=](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
        unsigned int code = 200;

        if(request->hasParam("name", true) &&  request->hasParam("value", true) ){

        AsyncWebParameter* p = request->getParam("name", true);
        const char *name = p->value().c_str();

        p = request->getParam("value", true);
        const char *value = p->value().c_str();

        debugI("webapi Received %s = %s", name, value);

        if (strcmp(name, "speed") == 0) {
            vehicle_speed = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
        } else if (strcmp(name, "rpm") == 0) {
            vehicle_rpm = strtol(value, NULL, 10);
        } else if (strcmp(name, "throttle") == 0) {
            vehicle_throttle = strtof(value, NULL);
        } else if (strcmp(name, "vin") == 0) {
            strncpy(vin, value, 17);
        } else {
        debugW("webapi Invalid data received !");
        code = 400;

I don't see this when use debug in 'regular' code, and in this case the function name is correct eg


JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

@jetpax , I am use MacOS and telnet 60 :-) Any strange behavior ! One workarround: at end of function write, before the client print, you can check if it starts with '[' and show a message (to we known that) and preffix the escape.

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

So we knowed that it is due a firwware or telnet client issue

JoaoLopesF commented 5 years ago

You need help on workaround?

tablatronix commented 3 years ago

is this the same issue?, osx terminal, seems like a bug. I think I can reproduce it as above toggling.

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