JoelStokes / Jetpack

2D Platformer based on flying mechanics
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Extra sign placements in Level 1 #5

Open JoelStokes opened 3 years ago

JoelStokes commented 3 years ago

2 extra decorative sign objects could be placed in the first level to help aid the players, along with add more interesting visuals to the barren moon level.

First sign could be an arrow showing the player how to get over the flutter gap. In playtests, players always tried flying straight up first. Although the direction sign collides with the barren-planet feeling of the first stage, the visual aid should help players understand the challenge better.

Second sign should be a warning icon after the final checkpoint to let them know about the large enemy ahead. This sign asset already exists in the Cave level art, would just require proper placement and layering.

JoelStokes commented 3 years ago

2nd sign (and bones for added notice) added, first needs another art asset created

JoelStokes commented 3 years ago

On second though, the art asset I've used as an arrow (tentacle tip) really isn't a smart idea, since the whole game will center on teaching the user that that gray color = bad / enemy. A new red sign should be made that matches the previous sign.