JohnCoene / firebase

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Enhancement: support upload of data objects #37

Open ncullen93 opened 1 year ago

ncullen93 commented 1 year ago

Currently seems like only files can be uploaded since 'data_url' is passed to the uploadString function from firebase SDK. This could be handled by using uploadBytes or by setting the file type argument to 'base64' instead of 'data_url'. The major question here would be how to best convert a dataframe to a bytestring... guessing that's not so hard.


My current solution is to just write the data to a temp file before upload and then delete it afterwards, but that's not ideal. I may tackle this and submit a pr if it really becomes an issue.

JohnCoene commented 1 year ago

Yes, that should be added. Sorry, I'm a bit overwhelmed with work at the moment and have little time for OSS, happy to look at a PR thought.