JoinColony / colonyCDapp

An iteration of the Colony Dapp sporting both a fully decentralized operating mode, as well as a mode enhanced by a metadata caching layer
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[Multi-sig] feat: implement advanced payment multi sig motion #2651

Open bassgeta opened 5 months ago

bassgeta commented 5 months ago



As a user moderating a colony, I want to be able to create and finalize a multi-sig advanced payment motion.


We need to call this contract, while getting the permission domain id and child skill index from the multisig client. So just replicate the createExpenditure saga We need to also support the same expenditure related operations as motions do so that's: (OK maybe we don't need to do it right now, will update this as we go)


Figma link

This issue is complete when...

bassgeta commented 4 months ago

Moving it out of the cycle, since we are releasing multi-sig without advanced payments support first, and tackling it after the initial release