JoinMarket-Org / joinmarket-clientserver

Bitcoin CoinJoin implementation with incentive structure to convince people to take part
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Filter orderbook messages by wallet type #807

Open kristapsk opened 3 years ago

kristapsk commented 3 years ago

Currently when somebody requests orderbook, he will receive responses from both sw (p2sh-p2wpkh) and sw0 (native segwit p2wpkh) yield generators and then do filtering at the client side. I propose we add optional sw/sw0 argument to !orderbook message, which would reduce unnecessary IRC traffic. Should be backwards compatible, old software will just not add it when seding and ignore when receiving msg, and not too hard.

AdamISZ commented 3 years ago

I agree. But it doesn't alter the fundamental issue, that of sudden bursts of traffic being kind of anathema to IRC. We need, as we have need for like 4 years or so, another message channel implementation. The code I wrote then was designed to make this easy: any MessageChannel subclass will only need to implement 4 methods. I even remember doing it myself on matrix, but found it slow at the time.

Despite much discussion, nobody has done anything.

I think I might look again and see if I can find a good solution.