JonasMe / Blockchain-php

Unofficial php class for the Blockchain API
MIT License
5 stars 4 forks source link



Donations are greatly appreciated at : 1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ

This is a Php class aimed at serving easy to use, out of the box API acces to the Blockchain API's (Both Merchant and public api)

Ready the class

  require_once( "blockchainPhp.php" );
  $api = new BlockchainPhp("blockchain-identifier","password");

The constructor takes the following arguments

Argument required
identifier yes
main password no
second password no

Getters and setters

You may set or get the language at any time

    print $api->language();

You may set the identifier at any time


You may set a secondary password at any time, if double-encryption is enabled

    $api->secondPassword("Your second password");

Helper methods

You may convert Satoshi to BTC currency

    print $api->satoshiToBTC(19283829); //Result 0.19283829

You may convert BTC to Satoshi currency

    print $api->BTCToSatoshi(0.19283829); //Result 19283829

Generating Receiving Addresses

Its now as easy as this, to generate a reciving address

    try {
      $response = $api->generateReceiveToken("1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ","http://callback.url");
      print "Pay to " . $response->input_address;
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The generateReceiveToken method takes the following arguments

Argument required
address yes
callback url yes

Making Outgoing Payments

You may send a payment using the following method

    try {
      $response = $api->pay("1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ",1.1 );
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The pay method takes the following arguments

Argument required description
recipient yes Address of recipient
amount yes Amount in bitcoins to send
extras no array containing extra parameters

Fetching the wallet balance

You may fetch your wallets balance this way

    try {
      $response = $api->balance();
      print $api->satoshiToBTC( $response->balance );
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The balance method takes no arguments

Listing Addresses

You may list all your addresses this way

    try {
      $response = $api->addresses();
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

Getting the balance of an address

Get the balance of a single address

    try {
      $response = $api->addressBalance("1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ");
      print $api->satoshiToBTC( $response->balance );
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The addressBalance method takes the following arguments

Argument required description
address yes Address to check balance of
confirmations no Minimum number of confirmations required

Generating a new address

Create a new address

    try {
      $response = $api->newAddress("My new address");
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The newAddress method takes the following argument

Argument required description
label no Give your address a human readable name

Archiving an address

Archive an address

    try {
      $response = $api->archiveAddress("1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ");
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The archiveAddress method takes the following argument

Argument required description
address yes Address to archive

Unarchiving an address

Unarchive an address

    try {
      $response = $api->unArchiveAddress("1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ");
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The unArchiveAddress method takes the following argument

Argument required description
address yes Address to archive

Consolidating Addresses

Unarchive an address

    try {
      $response = $api->consolidateAddresses(10);
    } catch(Exception $e) {}

The consolidateAddresses method takes the following argument

Argument required description
days no Consolidate addresses which has not had any transactions in this many days

Thank you for reading/using


Donations are greatly appreciated at : 1E4FU9CErrDatuHojDoudEuqjSadB1sRaJ