Jonathan-LeRoux / IguanaTex

A PowerPoint add-in allowing you to insert LaTeX equations into PowerPoint presentations on Windows and Mac
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insert-latex-equations powerpoint-presentations


(C) Jonathan Le Roux and Zvika Ben-Haim (Windows), Tsung-Ju Chiang and Jonathan Le Roux (Mac)


IguanaTex is a PowerPoint add-in which allows you to insert LaTeX equations into your PowerPoint presentation on Windows and Mac. It is distributed completely for free, along with its source code.

This repository hosts the source code in a form that can be easily tracked, shared, and discussed (the VBA code is exported using the ExportVBA macro).

System Requirements



Download and Install


  1. Download the .ppam add-in file from this repository's Releases page, or from the IguanaTex Download page, and save it in a Trusted Location (see this Microsoft article), such as %appdata%\Microsoft\Addins (i.e., C:\Users\user_name\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft\Addins).
  2. Load the add-in: in "File" > "Options" > "Add-Ins" > "Manage:" (lower part of the window), choose "PowerPoint Add-Ins" in the selection box. Then press "Go...", then click "Add New", select the .ppam file in the folder where you downloaded it, then "Close" (if you downloaded the .pptm source and saved it as .ppam, it will be in the default Add-In folder).
  3. Create and set a temporary file folder: IguanaTex needs access to a folder with read/write permissions to store temporary files.
    • The default is "C:\Temp\". If you have write permissions under "C:\", create the folder "C:\Temp\". You're all set.
    • If you cannot create this folder, choose or create a folder with write permission at any other location. In the IguanaTex tab, choose "Main Settings" and put the path to the folder of your choice. You can also use a relative path under the presentation's folder (e.g., ".\" for the presentation folder itself).
  4. Install and set path to GhostScript and ImageMagick (required for Picture outputs, except if using "Latex (DVI)" engine):
    • Needed to convert intermediate PDF files into PNG before insertion into PowerPoint as a Picture object. In the Picture generation process, all LaTeX engines except "Latex (DVI)" output PDF files. Even when generating a Shape, it is often better to first generate a Picture then convert to Shape: Picture generation is faster and more robust, so it can be convenient to work on a display in Picture mode then do a final conversion to Shape, preserving the size.
    • Set the full path to gswin32c.exe or gswin64c.exe (note the "c"!) and to ImageMagick's magick.exe in the "Main Settings" window.
    • Best way to make sure the path is correct is to use the "..." button next to each path and navigate to the correct file.
    • Some default paths include %USERPROFILE%. It is recommended to click on "..." to make sure the path gets properly converted to the actual user profile path.
  5. (Optional) Install and set path to TeX2img:
    • Only needed for vector graphics support via EMF (compared to SVG, pros of EMF are: available on all PowerPoint versions, fully modifiable shapes; cons: some displays randomly suffer from distortions)
    • Download from this link (more details on TeX2img on their Github repo)
    • After unpacking TeX2img somewhere on your machine, run TeX2img.exe once to let it automatically set the various paths to latex/ghostscript, then set the full path to TeX2imgc.exe (note the "c"!) in the "Main Settings" window.
  6. (Optional) Install LaTeXiT-metadata:
    • Needed to convert displays generated with LaTeXiT on Mac into IguanaTex displays
    • Download from the Releases page, unzip, and set the path to LaTeXiT-metadata.exe in the "Main Settings" window.
    • LaTeXiT-metadata was kindly prepared by Pierre Chatelier, LaTeXiT's author, at my request. Many thanks to him!
    • Source code is now public.

Other settings:


Automatic installation with Homebrew

If you use Homebrew, installation is as simple as:

brew tap tsung-ju/iguanatexmac
brew install --cask --no-quarantine iguanatexmac latexit-metadata

Then follow 5. Verify that paths are set correctly in the Manual installation instructions below.

For more details (e.g., how to upgrade or uninstall), please see Tsung-Ju's Homebrew instructions.

Manual installation

  1. Download the "prebuilt files for Mac" zip from this repository's Releases page
    There are 3 files to install:

    • IguanaTex.scpt: AppleScript file for handling file and folder access
    • libIguanaTexHelper.dylib: library for creating native text views; source code included in the git repo, under "IguanaTexHelper/"
    • IguanaTex_v1_XX_Y.ppam: main add-in file
  2. Install IguanaTex.scpt

    mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/
    cp ./IguanaTex.scpt ~/Library/Application\ Scripts/
  3. Install libIguanaTexHelper.dylib

    sudo mkdir -p '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized'
    sudo cp ./libIguanaTexHelper.dylib '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/libIguanaTexHelper.dylib'
  4. Load the add-in: Start PowerPoint (restart if it was running when installing the dylib). From the menu bar, select Tools > PowerPoint Add-ins... > '+' , and choose IguanaTex_v1_XX_Y.ppam

    • The first time you click on one of the add-in buttons, you may be notified that libIguanaTexHelper.dylib was blocked. Go to the Mac's Settings, then Security and Privacy, and click "Allow Anyway".
  5. Verify that paths are set correctly:

    • Click on "Main Settings" in the IguanaTex ribbon tab, and verify that the paths to GhostScript, LaTeX binaries, and libgs.9.dylib (used in SVG conversions) are set correctly by clicking on each "..." button next to them: if the path is correct, this should take you to its location; otherwise, you'll need to navigate to the relevant path. The defaults should match the MacTex installation locations, but your installation may differ.
    • If you cannot find them or if IguanaTex complains that a command did not return, open a terminal and use locate gs, locate pdflatex, and locate libgs.
  6. (Optional) Install LaTeXiT-metadata:

    • Needed to convert displays generated with LaTeXiT on Mac into IguanaTex displays
    • Download LaTeXiT-metadata-macos from the Releases page, add executable permission, and either set the path to its location in the "Main Settings" window or copy it to the secure add-in folder:
      chmod 755 ./LaTeXiT-metadata-macos
      sudo cp ./LaTeXiT-metadata-macos '/Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/Add-Ins.localized/'
    • The first time LaTeXiT-metadata-macos is called by IguanaTex, Mac OS may block it. Go to the Mac's Settings, then Security and Privacy, and click "Allow Anyway".
    • The executable was compiled on Mac OS 10.13 but should work on all versions. Please let me know if you have any issue.
    • LaTeXiT-metadata was kindly prepared by Pierre Chatelier, LaTeXiT's author, at my request. Many thanks to him!
    • Source code is now public.

Non-obvious tricks

IguanaTex's usage should mostly be self-explanatory, but there are a few tips and tricks that may not be.

Known Issues


CC BY 3.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.