JonnyOThan / TweakScale

Forked from Gaius Goodspeed's Goodspeed Aerospace Part & TweakScale plugin
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Parts with CoM offset do scale around the center (root transform?) instead of CoM. #50

Closed numberlesstim closed 5 months ago

numberlesstim commented 5 months ago


Simple example for the Mk1 Cockpit. The scaled down one will balance on the nose, while the default sized one will lie on its belly.

Not sure how many parts do have CoM offsets, probably most engines. But this probably also applies to CoP and CoL.

numberlesstim commented 5 months ago

A quick test in the editor leads me to believe that it does indeed also apply to CoL:

  1. Place a tank
  2. Attach a single wing
  3. Activate the CoL marker
  4. Resize the wing
  5. Observe the CoL marker not following the scaling
numberlesstim commented 5 months ago

Here are the stock parts probably affected by this:

CoMOffsets.txt CoPOffsets.txt CoLOffsets.txt

The servos also appear to have a servoCoMOffset. Maybe that is also an issue?