JosefNemec / LiteDbExplorer

Viewer and editor for databases.
MIT License
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Support for shell commands #15

Open mbdavid opened 7 years ago

mbdavid commented 7 years ago

Hi @JosefNemec, first, nice work here. Thanks for contribute with open source community and LiteDB.

I'm working on next LiteDB and now I'm adding (back) support to shell commands inside LiteDB.dll. And I'm doing this to any LiteDB IDEs runs string commands. Support shell command will be great as used in Robomongo (

I always wanted create a GUI app to LiteDB, but I never worked with WPF 😄

JosefNemec commented 7 years ago

Shell support would be great. I was planning to do something like that for #11, but if you are planning add better support into LiteDB then I'll wait for that.

mbdavid commented 7 years ago

Yes, wait a bit more will be great. Next version will support full search, expressions and includes (DbRef), like

db.mycol.find _id > 0 and LOWER(name) startsWith 'john' include "$.customers[*]"

Also, is in my plans support "FindModify" command (like UPDATE in sql)

db.mycol.findModify {
    "$": { "Name": "John" },
    "$": { "Total" : { $expr: "SUM(MULTIPLY($.Items[*].Price, $.Items[*].Unit))" } }
where _id > 10

I will update wiki documentation soon with all expression function support.