Joshua-Riek / ubuntu-rockchip

Ubuntu 22.04 and 24.04 for Rockchip RK35XX Devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Orange Pi 3b (RK3566) 24.04 beta, no desktop after normal installation #723

Closed 1chard closed 2 months ago

1chard commented 3 months ago

Using desktop image with installer fix, i was able to configure user and keyboard like as expected, but after installer was completed, the desktop not loaded at all, the shell showed some error on apparmor service load, some ssh code, then started to loop into a black screen and some code. I manually restarted using ssh and after reboot, plymouth ran normally, but after gdm3 service load, it was a single black screen.

The same behavior was reported for this opi 3b discussion and this radxa 3w issue (also rk3566) #722.

I also tried to manually run gnome-shell manually using XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-shell, but it did not work.

I attached some logs of gdm3 status, ubiquiti "/var/log/installer/dm" log and manual gnome-shell run below.

gdm service log.txt ubiquiti 2.txt gnome manual run.txt

Joshua-Riek commented 3 months ago

How much RAM does your board have?

1chard commented 3 months ago

It is the 4gb model

edsmat95 commented 2 months ago

Same issue , my version is 8gb

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

I will look into it, but I need time to finish other improvements.

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

I had some time to take a look at this and I will not fix this issue for a while and likely remove the desktop image for now. I'm so tired and just want to get something stable out for RK3588, then I need a break.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

@1chard I just had the same error. First thing I would try is to remove the panfork ppa as rk3566 shouldn't work with it, but mainline mesa. I will do this and report back.

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

Yeah that sounds like a good start.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

Woo, It works!

I'll send the commands later. Initramfs generation finished with "unsupported platform" message but it worked anyway.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

Hi! Writing this from Ubuntu 24.04 on OrangePi 3B!

so the solution is to:

  1. Install ubuntu 24.04, reboot, wait for gdm to fail, connect via ssh
  2. Use sudoedit to comment out the two panfork ppa lines in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra-ppas.list (ppa-purge does not seem to work)
  3. sudo apt remove libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-va-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers libgbm1 libglapi-mesa libegl-mesa0 (this will remove a lot of packages)
  4. sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop-minimal or not minimal if one prefers
  5. sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y --auto-remove (I did it at the beginning though)
  6. reboot, enjoy the desktop experience

But there is one problem, I think in the latest kernel @Joshua-Riek removed the support for the board and this is the result of apt upgrade:

Unsupported platform 'Rockchip RK3566 OPi 3B'.
dpkg: error processing package flash-kernel (--configure):
 installed flash-kernel package post-installation script subprocess returned err
or exit status 1
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.142ubuntu25) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.1.0-1011-rockchip
Unsupported platform 'Rockchip RK3566 OPi 3B'.
run-parts: /etc/initramfs/post-update.d//flash-kernel exited with return code 1
dpkg: error processing package initramfs-tools (--configure):
 installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned 
error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Could you reenable the support?

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

Flash kernel should not be installed, extlinux is now used

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

So it's safe to purge flash kernel

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

Purged, there are no errors now.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

I also tried first commenting out the ppa after flashing the image, then installing the Ubuntu. It did not change anything - the preinstalled packages are still from the ppa, so the rest should be done still.

Thanks for making the distribution! Even DRM-PRIME works in Kodi

1chard commented 2 months ago

Nice catch @lukaszsobala ! gnome started as expected, on wayland, but at least for me, hw video decoder is missing (tested on moonlight-qt) and this worked on Ubuntu 22.04

any idea?

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

hw video decoder is missing (tested on moonlight-qt) and this worked on Ubuntu 22.04

any idea?

Hmm, I'm not an expert on this at all, sorry. Which formats? In wayland Kodi, DRM PRIME works for me up to 1080p, I tried one 4k video and the screen was black. Youtube seems to work in Firefox but not Chromium.

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

Should be fixed by removing panfork with this commit

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

I've been re-working things and rk3566 should be good for the next release.

However Idk if ffmpeg, gstreamer, etc will work. If anyone has insight on RK3566 in this area please let me know,

edsmat95 commented 2 months ago

Oi! Escrevendo isso no Ubuntu 24.04 no OrangePi 3B!

então a solução é:

  1. Instale o Ubuntu 24.04, reinicie, espere o gdm falhar, conecte-se viassh
  2. Use sudoeditpara comentar as duas linhas panfork ppa /etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra-ppas.list(ppa-purge não parece funcionar)
  3. sudo apt remove libgl1-mesa-dri mesa-va-drivers mesa-vulkan-drivers libgbm1 libglapi-mesa libegl-mesa0(isso removerá muitos pacotes)
  4. sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop-minimalou não mínimo se preferir
  5. sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt full-upgrade -y --auto-remove(mas eu fiz isso no começo)
  6. reinicie, aproveite a experiência da área de trabalho

Mas há um problema, acho que no kernel mais recente@Joshua-Riekremoveu o suporte da placa e este é o resultado do apt upgrade:

Unsupported platform 'Rockchip RK3566 OPi 3B'.
dpkg: error processing package flash-kernel (--configure):
 installed flash-kernel package post-installation script subprocess returned err
or exit status 1
Processing triggers for initramfs-tools (0.142ubuntu25) ...
update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-6.1.0-1011-rockchip
Unsupported platform 'Rockchip RK3566 OPi 3B'.
run-parts: /etc/initramfs/post-update.d//flash-kernel exited with return code 1
dpkg: error processing package initramfs-tools (--configure):
 installed initramfs-tools package post-installation script subprocess returned 
error exit status 1
Errors were encountered while processing:

Você poderia reativar o suporte?

To work is it a build server or desktop?

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

If anyone has insight on RK3566 in this area please let me know

I tried jellyfin from nyanmisaka (, enabled RKMPP transcoding (with or without HEVC) and it does not seem to transcode (I get "Source error"). Native play works fine. Maybe there is some config magic that can be done to fix it. There are a lot of missing devices on rk3566.

nyanmisaka commented 2 months ago

Due to hardware constraints, the rk356x can only transcode to 1080p and lower. And it does not support HDR2SDR tone-mapping. See also:

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

@nyanmisaka if it did that it would be great, but now, for some reason, it does not, at least using jellyfin.

Could you send an ffmpeg command example so that I can see where it fails?

nyanmisaka commented 2 months ago

Could you send an ffmpeg command example so that I can see where it fails?

Test commands can be found in

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

Could you send an ffmpeg command example so that I can see where it fails?

Test commands can be found in

I got this when trying to transcode using the command given in the transcode (hw/hw) example - modified to 720p (1080p input):

Parsed_scale_rkrga_0 @ 0xaaaab04760f0] Output format 'nv12' with AFBC modifier is not supported by RGA2

The transcode worked at above 4x speed but I'm not sure if it used hardware.

nyanmisaka commented 2 months ago

Could you send an ffmpeg command example so that I can see where it fails?

Test commands can be found in

I got this when trying to transcode using the command given in the transcode (hw/hw) example - modified to 720p (1080p input):

Parsed_scale_rkrga_0 @ 0xaaaab04760f0] Output format 'nv12' with AFBC modifier is not supported by RGA2

The transcode worked at above 4x speed but I'm not sure if it used hardware.

It's just a warning, just remove :afbc=1. 4x realtime speed is definitely hardware encoding.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

I thought so. Now how to find out why it doesn't work in jellyfin...?

nyanmisaka commented 2 months ago

RK356x cannot handle HDR, so HDR tone-mapping needs to be disabled. Also it doesn't support video encoding larger than 1080p, you need to limit it manually. Or you are not using privileged mode to pass multiple device files to docker.

lukaszsobala commented 2 months ago

All of these options are already set up this way.

I checked and it does work dockerless with the weekly jellyfin deb. Just not with the docker version.

Joshua-Riek commented 2 months ago

This has been fixed and should be in the next release. I hope to have ready tonight or tomorrow