Josiah / gulp-cachebust

Generates checksums and renames references to files, useful for cachebusting
30 stars 11 forks source link

Works in Safari iOS but not in desktop browsers #25

Open aminta opened 7 years ago

aminta commented 7 years ago

Hi! These are my Gulp 4 tasks:

` gulp.task ('css', function() { return gulp // Find all .scss files from the paths.css.sources .src(config.paths.css.sources) .pipe(config.isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.init()) // Run Sass on those files .pipe($.sass( {outputStyle: config.sassStyle, includePaths: require('node-bourbon').includePaths } )) .on('error', gutil.log) .pipe($.autoprefixer( { browsers: ['IE 9']

.pipe(config.isProduction ? gutil.noop() : $.sourcemaps.write(config.paths.workingDir) )
.pipe(config.isProduction ? $.stripCssComments() : gutil.noop() )
// Write the resulting CSS in the output folder
.pipe( reload({stream:true}) );
// .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : reload({stream:true}) );


// copy html files and reload (if !isProduction) gulp.task ('html', function() { return gulp .src(config.paths.html.sources) .pipe($.inline({ base: 'components/js/icons/', // js: uglify, // css: minifyCss, disabledTypes: ['svg', 'img', 'css'], // Only inline css files // ignore: ['./css/do-not-inline-me.css'] })) .pipe(config.isProduction ? $.htmlmin({collapseWhitespace: true, conservativeCollapse: true, removeComments: true,}) : gutil.noop() ) .pipe(cachebust.references()) .pipe(gulp.dest(config.outputDir)) .pipe( reload({stream:true}) ); // .pipe(isProduction ? gutil.noop() : reload({stream:true}) );


// gulp-watch + gulp.series to execute tasks synchronously gulp.task('watch', function (done) { $.watch(config.paths.css.sources, gulp.series('css', 'html') );

$.watch(config.JsSources, gulp.series('js') );

$.watch(config.paths.html.sources, gulp.series('html') );


// execute synchronously (Gulp 4.0 feature) + asynchronously (gulp.parallel('task') mimics Gulp < 4) gulp.task('default', gulp.series('svgIcons', 'css', /'respond',/ 'js', 'img', 'font', 'html', 'root', /'critical', / gulp.parallel('browser-sync', 'watch') ) ); `

jhuesos commented 7 years ago

Since we do not have access to this repository anymore, we just move the development to a new one. Please open the issue there: