Governance views = any and all views of any data generated by the Joystream platform, whether they be of interest to casual observers, content creators, WG leads, WG workers, validators/nominators or council members. It basically means anyone & everyone.
This can start life as a very basic table/database, to try and build knowledge and deliverables on what we anticipate or know the community would like to see.
It can really just be a building block and can be improved upon at later stages
But to create a general list of
known things that are missing currently
whether it is percieved that they are likely to be delivered upon mainnet launch
consider particular Joystream aspects such as NFT marketplace, Bounties, Forum, Staking/Burning
[ ] Create a basic table containing
[ ] Basic description
[ ] The product where someone would ideally expect to see it (Pioneer, Atlas or solely JSSv3 or all 3)
[ ] Link(s) to any known relevant issues
[ ] How it should be presented (Table, text searchable, time viewable, Charts/visualizations, individual user view)
[ ] The scope (FM Program, DAO Health, User rewards, Tokenomics etc)
[ ] Any potential roadblocks (i.e. Bounty Module won't be present)
Governance views
= any and all views of any data generated by the Joystream platform, whether they be of interest to casual observers, content creators, WG leads, WG workers, validators/nominators or council members. It basically meansanyone & everyone
.But to create a general list of
or all 3)Table
,text searchable
,time viewable
,individual user view
)FM Program
,DAO Health
,User rewards
etc)Bounty Module won't be present
)Query Node
(i.e. grading script outputs),RPC
,Joystream Storage/Distributor network