As a Step Bet user,
I want to provide feedback and complete surveys,
so that I can share my experience, suggest future games, and help improve the app.
Acceptance Criteria:
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Rating
The Feedback and Survey page includes a "How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?" question, with a rating scale from 0 to 10 to capture the Net Promoter Score.
Game Recommendation Feedback
Users have the option to suggest new game types or variations they would like to see in the app, allowing for community-driven recommendations.
User Experience Feedback Section
The page includes a text input field where users can provide general feedback on their experience, including likes, dislikes, and suggestions for improvements.
Future Feature Request Survey
Users can rank potential new features or select specific options they would find valuable, helping prioritize the app’s development.
Survey on Fitness Goals and Motivation
An optional survey collects data on users’ fitness goals and motivation for using the app, allowing the app to tailor content or challenges based on these metrics.
Data Collection for Improvement Metrics
The page includes a short survey with multiple-choice or scale-based questions to gauge user satisfaction in areas such as ease of use, enjoyment, and perceived value of the app.
Submission Confirmation and Thank You Message
After submitting feedback, the page displays a confirmation and a thank you message, acknowledging the user’s input.
Anonymous Option for Feedback
Users can choose to submit feedback anonymously to encourage honest and open responses.
Optional Email Collection for Follow-Up
An optional field allows users to provide their email if they would like to receive follow-up communication or updates based on their feedback.
User Story: Feedback and Survey Page
As a Step Bet user, I want to provide feedback and complete surveys, so that I can share my experience, suggest future games, and help improve the app.
Acceptance Criteria:
Net Promoter Score (NPS) Rating
The Feedback and Survey page includes a "How likely are you to recommend this to a friend?" question, with a rating scale from 0 to 10 to capture the Net Promoter Score.
Game Recommendation Feedback
Users have the option to suggest new game types or variations they would like to see in the app, allowing for community-driven recommendations.
User Experience Feedback Section
The page includes a text input field where users can provide general feedback on their experience, including likes, dislikes, and suggestions for improvements.
Future Feature Request Survey
Users can rank potential new features or select specific options they would find valuable, helping prioritize the app’s development.
Survey on Fitness Goals and Motivation
An optional survey collects data on users’ fitness goals and motivation for using the app, allowing the app to tailor content or challenges based on these metrics.
Data Collection for Improvement Metrics
The page includes a short survey with multiple-choice or scale-based questions to gauge user satisfaction in areas such as ease of use, enjoyment, and perceived value of the app.
Submission Confirmation and Thank You Message
After submitting feedback, the page displays a confirmation and a thank you message, acknowledging the user’s input.
Anonymous Option for Feedback
Users can choose to submit feedback anonymously to encourage honest and open responses.
Optional Email Collection for Follow-Up
An optional field allows users to provide their email if they would like to receive follow-up communication or updates based on their feedback.