JsonHunt / bookmark-panel

Panel with flexible bookmarks. Classes,methods,todo-s, etc.
MIT License
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bookmark-panel package

Adds a side panel showing automatic anchors/bookmarks in active file. There is a set of standard bookmarks included in the package. To add your own, create bookmarks-config.coffee in your project root, or your projects folder.

Configure your bookmarks like this:

bookmarks: [
        filename: '.coffee'
        regexp: ///\s*class\s(.*)///
        labelfx: (match)->
            return "Class #{match[1]}"
        filename: '.coffee'
        regexp: ///\s*(.*?):\s*(\(.*?\))?\s*->///
        labelfx: (match)->
            return "#{match[1]}"
        group: "TO-DO"
        regexp: ///TO-?DO: (.*)///
        labelfx: (match)->
            return "#{match[1]}"

The panel will now appear if active file contains one or more matching bookmarks. Clicking on a bookmark will take you to it. You can group your bookmarks, define which files they apply to (optional,using regex), define regex patterns and label functions (optional)

Currently, generic TO-DOs and CoffeeScript classes + class methods are included. If you add other useful bookmark types, you are welcome to contribute.