JuergenFuchs / Jurumpsi

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I hate this #4

Closed JuergenFuchs closed 2 years ago

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

I hate Bluej

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

My name is Yoshikage Kira. I’m 33 years old. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. I don’t smoke, but I occasionally drink. I’m in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. After having a glass of warm milk and doing about twenty minutes of stretches before going to bed, I usually have no problems sleeping until morning. Just like a baby, I wake up without any fatigue or stress in the morning.

I was told there were no issues at my last check-up. I’m trying to explain that I’m a person who wishes to live a very quiet life. I take care not to trouble myself with any enemies, like winning and losing, that would cause me to lose sleep at night. That is how I deal with society, and I know that is what brings me happiness. Although, if I were to fight I wouldn’t lose to anyone.

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

I've noticed that your reddit avatar is not wearing a hijab

Sister. I've noticed that your reddit avatar is not wearing a hijab. When you wear a hijab, you are obeying the commands of Allah, and you can expect great rewards in return. It is Allah's protection of your natural beauty. You are too precious to be "on display" for each man to see. It is Allah's preservation of your chastity. Allah purifies your heart and mind through the hijab. Allah raises your dignity through the hijab. When a strange man looks at you, he respects you because he sees that you respect yourself. And this applies to your reddit avatar as well.

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

Those of you avoiding Lightyear (2022) are doing the right thing. I saw it in a theater last night and I’m still processing my horrifying experience.

The kiss was all I feared: a brutal assault on innocence and freedom, in the form of a playful moment of affection between two adults in a loving relationship. I threw soda on my children to distract them. Everyone in the theater screamed, having been made aware of the existence of gay people. As a parent, it’s my duty to shield my children from all things in the world I don’t enjoy; I had failed them.

Then the film froze. It was rewound, the kiss played again. And again. Then in slow motion. Then in slow motion with the Indigo Girls ‘Power of Two’ playing underneath it. The house lights came up and a Disney marketing executive walked out from behind the screen with a clipboard. “Hello, children! What did you think of what you just saw?”

The kids were already radicalized. “I want to destroy my gender-identified toys and send the debris to Pixar as tribute.” “I thought I liked baking, but now I’m applying Early Decision to Mount Holyoke.” “This movie made me hate Tim Allen and my own penis.”

The children were led out of the theater and loaded into Subaru Outbacks [one child: “It’s like they made a car out of being gay!”] to bring them to the Pride Re-education Compound near Oakland. My own kids didn’t even look back. I sat alone in the theater, ruined. Just when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, a drag queen came out & started reading ‘Goodnight Moon’.

Lightyear (2022) took everything from me. Save yourself and stick with Toy Story 2, where the only lesbian message is “sometimes your girlfriend breaks up with you and you obsess about it through folk music for the rest of your life.”

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

Ok, this has been driving me crazy for seven movies now, and I know you're going to roll your eyes, but hear me out: Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.

Here's why:

Think about how quickly the entire WWWIII (Wizarding-World War III) would have ended if all of the good guys had simply armed up with good ol' American hot lead.

Basilisk? Let's see how tough it is when you shoot it with a .470 Nitro Express. Worried about its Medusa-gaze? Wear night vision goggles. The image is light-amplified and re-transmitted to your eyes. You aren't looking at it--you're looking at a picture of it.

Imagine how epic the first movie would be if Harry had put a breeching charge on the bathroom wall, flash-banged the hole, and then went in wearing NVGs and a Kevlar-weave stab-vest, carrying a SPAS-12.

And have you noticed that only Europe seems to a problem with Deatheaters? Maybe it's because Americans have spent the last 200 years shooting deer, playing GTA: Vice City, and keeping an eye out for black helicopters over their compounds. Meanwhile, Brits have been cutting their steaks with spoons. Remember: gun-control means that Voldemort wins. God made wizards and God made muggles, but Samuel Colt made them equal.

Now I know what you're going to say: "But a wizard could just disarm someone with a gun!" Yeah, well they can also disarm someone with a wand (as they do many times throughout the books/movies). But which is faster: saying a spell or pulling a trigger?

Avada Kedavra, meet Avtomat Kalashnikova.

Imagine Harry out in the woods, wearing his invisibility cloak, carrying a .50bmg Barrett, turning Deatheaters into pink mist, scratching a lightning bolt into his rifle stock for each kill. I don't think Madam Pomfrey has any spells that can scrape your brains off of the trees and put you back together after something like that. Voldemort's wand may be 13.5 inches with a Phoenix-feather core, but Harry's would be 0.50 inches with a tungsten core. Let's see Voldy wave his at 3,000 feet per second. Better hope you have some Essence of Dittany for that sucking chest wound.

I can see it now...Voldemort roaring with evil laughter and boasting to Harry that he can't be killed, since he is protected by seven Horcruxes, only to have Harry give a crooked grin, flick his cigarette butt away, and deliver what would easily be the best one-liner in the entire series:

"Well then I guess it's a good thing my 1911 holds 7+1."

And that is why Harry Potter should have carried a 1911.

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

This is the .950 JDJ Fat Mac. It is a 100 pound, 5 foot long rifle that shoots a one pound solid brass bullet at 2200 FPS. It is a non-NFA item only because the ATF gave it a sporting exemption as a joke as if anybody is going to hunt with this. This round would be overkill for hunting blue whales.

I would like to paint a picture for you. It's 2AM and you hear a window break in your living room. This is the worst day this could happen, as every single one of your guns was lost in a tragic boating accident this morning. All were lost except for one. You look across your room in dread at your anti-kaiju rifle. You know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it, both literally and figuratively.

Heaving the rifle into your arms, you load a .950 cartridge and begin to waddle towards the door. Your feet make a loud “thud” as you take each 6″ step. You know the intruders hear you. You hope they do, for perhaps they will run and spare the world the suffering that is about to befall it.

You try to set the rifle down, but end up clipping your bedroom door and it is immediately knocked off its hinges by this battering ram in your hands. You attempt to round the corner, bonking the muzzle against the doorframe and adjacent wall across the hall at least 4 times. To your horror, two invaders stand there at the end of the hall.

With a heavy heart, you raise the rifle to your shoulder while making inhuman grunting noises from the strain of attempting some semblance of a shooting position. The burglars simply stare in disbelief, unable to process the situation they are witnessing, as if in a dream. You cannot aim the rifle, as the last time you fired the gun, it turned your $3000 Leupold into a kaleidoscope. You simply hold it at an angle that appears correct and fire.

You are immediately knocked to the floor as if hit by a semi truck going 20 MPH. The shot connected with one of the criminals and it erased him from existence. Even the memories of him have been destroyed and you're wondering why you just shot into an empty hallway. The shot continues to travel through at least 4 houses, a car, and a 10 ton boulder before lodging itself 20 feet into a nearby hill, never to be seen again.

It is at this point, you realize you cannot hear. The surviving burglar can't hear either but he's also on fire from the muzzle blast and is currently vacating your home. You don't care. Your shoulder is dislocated and there is a hole in your brand new AR500 refrigerator. You're crying now. The police arrive and, upon seeing the scene, start laughing. You start crying harder.

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

AITA I the asshole for killing my whole family?

Ok Reddit, so I (237,624 M) and my wife (6 F) got into a bit of an argument about Fortnite (released 2017 by Epic Games) on my (237,624 M) Xbox One X (released 2017). She (6F) wanted to play fortnite (released 2017 by Epic Games) on my (237,624 M) Xbox One X (released 2017) even though she (6 F) has a PS4 (released 2013), which I (237,624 M) destroyed. I (237,624 M) said no. She (6 F) hit me. So naturally, I grabbed my Unholy Hellbringer (crafted 200,000 years ago in Neptune’s core by demons), and killed her. I also killed our 32 of our boys, being Liam (2 M), Noah (2 M), Elijah (2 M), Logan (2 M), Mason (2 M), James (2 M), Aiden (2 M), Ethan (2 M), Lucas (2 M), Jacob (2 M), Michael (2 M), Matthew (2 M), Benjamin (2 M), Alexander (2 M), William (2 M), Daniel (2 M), Jayden (2 M), Oliver (2 M), Carter (2 M), Sebastian (2 M), Joseph (2 M), David (2 M), Gabriel (2 M), Julian (2 M), Jackson (2 M), Anthony (2 M), Dylan (2 M), Wyatt (2 M), Grayson (2 M), Isaiah (2 M), Christopher (2 M), and Joshua (2 M). I saved Henry (2 M), because he (2 M) was my favorite child. I thought that he could be raised by wolves while i (237,624 M) played Fortnite (released 2017 by Epic Games) inside my house. While outside, I (237,624 M) dropped him (2 M) on the pavement and he (2 M) died. So Reddit, AITA I the asshole for killing my whole family?

Heckerman3 commented 2 years ago

NTA btw

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

I 25M, married 24F 1.5 years back. It was an arranged marriage. Due to work related issues we were separated in different cities and didn't get to spend much time with each other. But we did get really close due to regular calls, texts.

After few months she tells me casually that a guy from her office is meeting with her regularly and maybe borderline flirting. Given her past, I knew she would know how to handle this. A few days later, she tells me that he is "kind of cute". Slowly I realize, she is interested in him as well. Since I wasn't physically there with her, I, being an open minded asshole, told her to go ahead with him if she is interested (big mistake). She was shocked and changed the topic. Few days down the line, she asked me again if I meant what I said. I told her, she can go ahead if its a casual fun relationship (thought that it would make her happy, given our LDR).

She assured me, it will just be movie or lunch dates and NOTHING more than that and I was completely fine with that. Of course it didn't stop there. They would eventually make out, cuddle and have regular sex as well. Now she practically lives with him. We are still in separate cities.

I don't know what to do at this point, this is not what I wanted. I am trying to move to her city, but Idk if things would change. I have got attached to her and I don't want to divorce. Even if I do divorce her, I would end up paying a lot in settlements. At this young age, it feels my life has been completely ruined.

Heckerman3 commented 2 years ago

What's up guys! It's Quandale Dingle here! (RUUEHEHEHEHEHEEHE) I have been arrested for multiple crimes (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) including: Battery on a police officer (WHAT), Grand theft, Declaring war on Italy, and public indecency (RUHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE X2 speed). I will be escaping prison on, MARCH 28TH! After that.... I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLD🤓

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

Young Sheldon Ruined My Life From u/loubloomlover on r/youngsheldon ;

I’m a sheldonthusiast. This is my story.

For 5 years now I've been addicted to Young Sheldon. It's ruined my life. During that time I've lost my wife, my kids, my house, my job, my car and my self respect and most of my teeth.

I started watching Young Sheldon and I kept it from my wife for a time but eventually she figured it out. She told me I had to stop immediately or she and the kids were leaving. I agreed and promised to stop then watched it the same night. She eventually figured it out again and gave me the same ultimatum but added that I needed to join a 12 step program. I did and I stayed clean for a time but then I had a shitty day and went right back to it. She found out and she and the kids left that night. She told me that we were done. She made it clear that it was them or Young Sheldon and I of course picked Sheldon Cooper.

After they left my wife sent me divorce papers and I started spiraling. I started watching it more and eventually it affected my work. I fucked something up because I was strung out from the night before. It was an accident with heavy machinery. Thankfully no one was injured but i decided if my work is unsafe I should leave my job to more productive activities. I got even more into Young Sheldon and would watch it for days with friends at the apartment I was living in. Eventually I needed more Young Sheldon but had no more money for my subscriptions so I started doing petty crimes for Young Sheldon money.

I don’t know what to do. My life has turned into total shit and I’m happy about it. I’ve lost my wife, children, job and teeth because I sacrificed them for what I enjoy the most. Young Sheldon brings me nothing but joy and I like to think it made me find my true self, although I have never seen myself as a criminal. Please, reddit, give me some advice.

Heckerman3 commented 2 years ago


Heckerman3 commented 2 years ago

What's up guys! It's Quandale Dingle here! (RUUEHEHEHEHEHEEHE) I have been arrested for multiple crimes (AHHHHHHHHHHHHH) including: Battery on a police officer (WHAT), Grand theft, Declaring war on Italy, and public indecency (RUHEHEHEEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE X2 speed). I will be escaping prison on, MARCH 28TH! After that.... I WILL TAKE OVER THE WORLDCopy Greetings! Quandale Dingle here. My cousin Henry Dinglenut got arrested for putting TNT in a daycare center. (WHAT THE FUCK??) I put a camera in Joe Biden's bathroom and watched him take a poop. (WHAT????) My Asian brother, Quanliling Dingle put illegal substances in my ramen and I died.Copy Hey, Quandale Dingle here. I just escaped prison and staying at Juandale Pringle's house. As I was running away from cops, I fell and scraped some of my foreskin off. A guy named Garfield Jenson bit me over in the shower while I was in prison. My baby momma Shiniqua Inderson told me to pay child support so I gave my baby to a creepy old guy,Copy What's up guys, it's Quandele Dingle here I have been arrested for multiple crimes Including battery on police officer (what) Grand theft, declaring war on Italy, and public indecency I will be escaping prison on March 28th After that I will take over the worldCopy Greetings, Quandele Dingle here My cousin Henry Bartholomew Dingle Nut Got arrested for putting a TNT in a daycare center (what the fuck) Put a camera on Joe Biden's bathroom and watched him take a poop (what) My Asian brother Quan Ling Ling Dingle put illegal substances in my ramen and I diedCopy Hey fellas it's Quandele Dingle here I put perks on Vladimir Putin's drink And he went to bed for a really long time I trapped my autistic son's hand in an air fryer (herrrrr) I dumped boiling water on a prison guard's head My goofy ah friend, Jamarious Quandele Dingle tried to eat my but during RamadhanCopy What is Copypasta? What is copypasta and how its used in the internet? Every Jojo copypasta Copypasta is a block of text that you can copy and paste into any chat or messaging platform. Its called copypasta as a combination of both ‘copy’ and ‘paste’. Its usually used (copy-paste) on a block of text that are either funny or ‘troll’ in nature to mess with another person. Copypastas are text memes!

Copypasta are long funny texts which are distributed over the internet by copy and paste. Its usually posted on a message boards or discussion threads to troll newer users as an inside joke. Popular examples of copypastas include things like ‘My name is Yoshikage Kira’, ‘Navy Seal copypasta’, or the entirety of the Bee Movie script.

How are Copypastas used? If you 😶 are really ✔ being serious 😳, this 👉 sub 💪 was made to store important 😎 documentaries 📑 one day we may need 👨‍🎓, and we shall easily 😀 “copy-paste” 🤯 them in our resumes 😎😎 for applying to jobs 💯.

Alternatively, you can use copypastas to effectively get kicked out of group texts that you want nothing to do with. The first time you send a 10 page text is all it takes.

Everything is simply a shape, a form From Neon Genesis Evangelion This is me. This is the shape that let others recognize me as myself. It is my symbol for myself. This is, this is, and this is as well. Representations. Everything is merely a description, not the real myself. Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me.

Then what am I?Copy EVERYTHING IS SIMPLY A SHAPE A FORM AN IDENTIFIER TO LET OTHERS RECOGNIZE ME AS ME BUT WHAT AM I? IS THIS ME?Copy Everything is simply a shape, a form, an identifier to let others recognize me as me. Then what am I?Copy

Super Idol lyrics Certified bing chilling classic Source Super Idol的笑容 都没你的甜 八月正午的阳光 都没你耀眼 热爱 105 °C的你 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水Copy Close script Super Idol的笑容🌕 都没你的甜. 🌙 八月正午的阳光. 💫 都没你耀眼. ⭐️ 热爱 105 °C的你. 🌟 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. ✨ 你不知道你有多可爱. ⚡️ 跌倒后会傻笑着再站起来. ❄️ 你从来都不轻言失败. ☃️ 对梦想的执着一直不曾更改. 🌈 很安心 当你对我说. 🌅 不怕有我在. 🎇 放着让我来. 🌆 勇敢追自己的梦想. 🌌 那坚定的模样. 🌄 Super Idol的笑容. 🎆 都没你的甜. 🏙 八月正午的阳光. 🌉 都没你耀眼. 🏞 热爱 105 °C的你🌠 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. 🌇 在这独一无二. 🌃 属于我的时代. 🌁 不怕失败来一场. 🎐 痛快的热爱 🧸 热爱 105°C的你. ❤️ 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. 在这独一无二. 🧡 属于我的时代. 💛 莫忘了初心常在. 💚 痛快去热爱. 💙 热爱 105°C的你. 💜 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. 💕 喝一口又活力全开. 💞 再次回到最佳状态. 💓 喝一口哟. 💗 你不知道你有多可爱. 💖 跌倒后会傻笑着再站起来. 💘 你从来都不轻言失败. 💝 对梦想的执着一直不曾更改💟 很安心 当你对我说🏳️‍🌈 不怕有我在♩ 放着让我来ღ💌ღ 勇敢追自己的梦想 ⁽⁽ଘ😇ଓ⁾⁾ 那坚定的模样 (///ω///) Super Idol的笑容 (๑°⌓°๑) 都没你的甜 (^▽^) 八月正午的阳光 (☆^O^☆) 都没你耀眼 ::ೖ(⑅σ̑ᴗσ̑)ೖ:: 热爱 105°C的你 (✪ω✪) 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水 (ˊo̶̶̷ᴗo̶̶̷`) 在这独一无二 🍯 属于我的时代. 🍩 不怕失败来一场. 🍭 痛快的热爱. 🍮 热爱 105°C的你. 🍧 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. 🍬 在这独一无二. 🌏 属于我的时代. 🐬 莫忘了初心常在. 🦔 痛快去热爱. 🎄 热爱 105°C的你. 🕊 滴滴清纯的蒸馏水. 🐾 喝一口又活力全开. 🌷 再次回到最佳状态 👑 喝一口又活力全开(。•́︿•̀。)Copy Open original lyrics

Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. This brings me back to early 2010s troll messages... AUGHHH version Hi my name is Carmen Winstead. I'm 17 years old. I am very similar to you... Did I mention to you that I'm dead. A few years ago a group of girls pushed me down a sewer hole to try and embarrass me. When I didn't come back up the police came. The girls said that I had fell and everyone believed them. The police found my body in the sewer. I had a broken neck and my face was torn off. Send this message to 15 people after you read the whole message if you value your life! A boy called David received this message. He just laughed and deleted it. When he was in the shower he heard laughing... MY LAUGHTER! He got really scared, rushed to his phone to repost this message... But he was too late. The next morning his mum entered his bedroom and all she found was a message written in his blood saying, "You will never have him back!" No one has found his body yet... because he is with me!... Send this to 15 people in the next 5 minutes if you don't want your fate to be the same as David's. Your time starts... NOW! The story is true you can research it on googleCopy Hi! 🖐🙌 My 👪👈 name is Carl 🔭🔭 Winstead, Carmen Winstead's brother. 😎 I 👁🏼 pooped all 💯 over 🙊🔝 my 🎅🅱 balls 🏐🔵 and 👈 my mom 👵♀ beat 👊 me. 👩🌭 I crashed 📉📉 my 👀👖 uncle's ♂ Nissan Altima into 🏼 a child 👶👶 hospital 🏥 building 🏗🏗 and broke 📉 my 😏 11th toe. 👞👟 My 👨 buddy, 👬👤 Henry Chewbacca Jenkins, put perc 30s in 😛 his 😵 grandpa's inhaler and 👏👏 he 👉👱 died. 😂Copy

Among Us – Red was not an imposter Red was not an imposter

.    。    •   ゚  。   .

   .      .     。   。 .  

.   。      ඞ 。 .    •     •

  ゚   Red was not An Impostor.  。 .

  '    1 Impostor remains     。

  ゚   .   . ,    .  .Copy

What’s up with kids going ‘Goblin Mode’? What is Goblin Mode? Yesterday, I was talking to one of my son's friend's parent, and she told me that her son went 'Goblin Mode' the other day and went in his room to 'Charge up', and asked me what it meant. I thought the kid was just being silly, but earlier today, my kid went 'Goblin Mode' too, and has been up in his room all day. Is this a new funny trend or something? I also found some 'memes' about going Goblin Mode, but I don't get it?Copy STOP reacting to our messages with rude emojis 🤡💀🤓 Discord mods on 💀🤓🤡 Ok everyone since you don't listen when I'm nice, I'm going to get mean.

Reacting to messages with a clown (🤡), a skull (💀), or a nerd face (🤓) isn't funny. It's not cool, it's not interesting, it's annoying.

These 3 emojis in particular aren't funny, they're RUDE. We as staff work hard to keep this place safe, and to have you all constantly react to our messages with mean emojis makes me FURIOUS.

STOP reacting to our messages with rude emojis. They do NOTHING but make you look really, really stupid.

It shows you have no rebuttals to our arguments, so you have to use juvenile tactics paramount to terrorism in order to stop us from being able to speak our truth.



This is your ONLY warning. Tread carefully...Copy AITA for beating the shit out of my dad over Morbius? Morbius is one of the movies of all time Every Morbius copypasta So I (19M) was sitting in the Living room watching Morbius. My parents(senior citizens) visited to come check on me. They caught me watching Morbius and they got very upset because I have been through phases like this before. I convinced my mother (55F) that Morbius is great, but my father (56M) disagreed. So I yelled ITS MORBIN TIME and may have beat the living shit out my father. My mother(idiotic) then said YOU DID THIS LAST TIME DURING YOUR NFT PHASE so then I plunged her to the depths of Tartarus. My sister (19F) and her friend (18F) saw me and then tried to run so I yelled OH NO YOU MORB'T and morbed so much they died. I at this point, had almost become God. I had blown up my house and set on fire to get rid of the evidence. At this point I, (20M) have been running from the CIA, the FBI, the police, the Secret Service, Interpol, the UN security unit, Disney S&P, and Google Maps. I have almost reached the final phase of morb. Soon my original being will die off and I will morb in the final morb. I morbing regret morbing Morbius. Oh morb. Im gonna morbing morb myself. Morb this. Morb it all. TL;DR I killed my dad over a movie and ended up internationally wanted.Copy My HoloEN fuckability thesis Least touch-depraved Sapling In this post I will lay out why Fauna is factually and objectively the most fuckable HoloEN member from both Myth and Council.

1: Myth -

rap at me instead of moaning

sweaty and oily from working at a KFC all day

Very cringe

2: Council -

girlfriend's girlfriend who is just kronii's reflection

in conclusion, uuuuuCopy

.950 JDJ Fat Mac 950 JDJ Fat Mac copypasta I had to think this through because it posed an interesting question: what is the provably WORST gun for home defense? A .22 single shot rifle is at least small and quick to point. A Barrett M82 is at least going to instantly stop whatever it hits. Even a good old fashioned musket is going to do good damage and won't hurt your ears. No, I wanted to know what the undisputable worst home defense gun in the world is; and I have found it.

This is the .950 JDJ Fat Mac. It is a 100 pound, 5 foot long rifle that shoots a one pound solid brass bullet at 2200 FPS. It is a non-NFA item only because the ATF gave it a sporting exemption as a joke as if anybody is going to hunt with this. This round would be overkill for hunting blue whales.

I would like to paint a picture for you. It's 2AM and you hear a window break in your living room. This is the worst day this could happen, as every single one of your guns was lost in a tragic boating accident this morning. All were lost except for one. You look across your room in dread at your anti-kaiju rifle. You know what you have to do, but you don't know if you have the strength to do it, both literally and figuratively.

Heaving the rifle into your arms, you load a .950 cartridge and begin to waddle towards the door. Your feet make a loud “thud” as you take each 6″ step. You know the intruders hear you. You hope they do, for perhaps they will run and spare the world the suffering that is about to befall it.

You try to set the rifle down, but end up clipping your bedroom door and it is immediately knocked off its hinges by this battering ram in your hands. You attempt to round the corner, bonking the muzzle against the doorframe and adjacent wall across the hall at least 4 times. To your horror, two invaders stand there at the end of the hall.

With a heavy heart, you raise the rifle to your shoulder while making inhuman grunting noises from the strain of attempting some semblance of a shooting position. The burglars simply stare in disbelief, unable to process the situation they are witnessing, as if in a dream. You cannot aim the rifle, as the last time you fired the gun, it turned your $3000 Leopuld into a kaleidoscope. You simply hold it at an angle that appears correct and fire.

You are immediately knocked to the floor as if hit by a semi truck going 20 MPH. The shot connected with one of the criminals and it erased him from existence. Even the memories of him have been destroyed and you're wondering why you just shot into an empty hallway. The shot continues to travel through at least 4 houses, a car, and a 10 ton boulder before lodging itself 20 feet into a nearby hill, never to be seen again.

It is at this point, you realize you cannot hear. The surviving burglar can't hear either but he's also on fire from the muzzle blast and is currently vacating your home. You don't care. Your shoulder is dislocated and there is a hole in your brand new AR500 refrigerator. You're crying now. The police arrive and, upon seeing the scene, start laughing. You start crying harder.Copy I saw JD Jones at a grocery store in Ohio yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Copy My penis is too big

My penis is so large I just cannot lug it around any longer. It is so insanely huge and has caused so many problems in my life. I cannot go to airports as they think I am sneaking something in. so everytime I go, I get groped as they try to take my penis off thinking its a bomb. I cannot pleasure women as they are so horrified at the sight of my cock, that they immediately run away. My mother and father disowned me after seeing the length of my shaft. Not only is it extraordinarily long, it is just too thick. I cannot sexually relieve myself as my hands are just too small to masturbate.

My humongous cock has ruined my life. I resent God for cursing me with this large chunk of meat that just drags across the ground. Doctors tell my I will never be able to get a penis reduction as they would have nowhere to put the penis. It would just take up far too much room.

I had a girlfriend when I was a young lad, she loved me for who I was and did not care for this deformity, but one day... I took off my jeans and my penis flung out, smacking her and flinging her out the window. She died 2 hours later in the hospital. She was the only woman who ever loved me. My penis is just... too ginormous. It has caused problems for myself and the people around me. For this reason, I will be ending it all. My penis has taken over my life... but it cannot take over a life that does not exist.

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

discord rant to another member by shanon#8138 what in the tally hell?

you want to fucking talk to me like that? i hope you know i know you get absolutely 0 bitches. you have lied about all the pussy you've gotten in your lifetime stupid ass nigga ass goofy ass glasses bitch. i have the power of my faggalerious hawaii part ii and all tally hall albums with me. you will burn in hell with your mindset, god damn straightie. cissie. you a pussy ass bitch motherfucker, i am stronger than you in all ways possible. i rollerskate. do you understand how easy it is to give someone a hardcore injury with rollerskates? go cry to your god damn sky daddy dumbass. but you are too afraid to except the fact i exceed you in so many damn factors that you cannot fathom how weak you are compared to me. anyway.

juno was mad, he knew he been had so he shot at the sun with a gun

Heckerman3 commented 2 years ago


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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A copypasta is a block of text that is copied and pasted across the Internet by individuals through online forums and social networking websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to spam[1] as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse.


The word "copypasta" was first used on Usenet groups in 2006.[2]


The term "copypasta" is derived from the computer term "copy/paste", and can be traced back to an anonymous 4chan thread from 2006.[1][3]


Navy Seal[edit]

The Navy Seal copypasta is a lengthy, comically written, aggressive attack paragraph against a "kiddo", written in the voice of the stereotypical "tough guy", listing absurd accomplishments such as having "over 300 confirmed kills" and being "trained in gorilla [sic] warfare". This copypasta is often reposted as a humorous overreaction to an insult and is thought to have originated in a post on a 4chan message board from 11 November 2010.[4]

This copypasta is used in the manifesto of the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque shootings.[5]

Bee Movie[edit]

The Bee Movie copypasta started in 2013 when users posted its entire script onto websites such as Reddit and Tumblr.[6] It was popularized when edits of the film were first uploaded to YouTube in late 2016.[7]

"A Drive Into Deep Left Field by Castellanos"[edit]

On August 19, 2020, during a Major League Baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and Kansas City Royals, Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman uttered a homophobic slur on a hot mic. Later in the broadcast, Brennaman apologized to listeners. Mid-apology, Nick Castellanos hit a home run, and Brennaman broke from his apology to deliver the play-by-play.[8] Brennaman said, "I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame." The moment became an internet meme as a copypasta. ESPN's Pablo Torre later said it "was like listening to the band play on as the Titanic was sinking. Except the band was also somehow the iceberg."[9]

See also[edit]

  | Look up copypasta in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. -- | --
  • Creepypasta, brief, user-generated, paranormal stories intended to scare readers
  • Chain letter
  • Faxlore, similar content circulated by fax machine
  • Know Your Meme, a website and video series which researches and documents the history of copypastas and similar content
  • Running gag, a recurring joke
  • Snowclone, a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants
  • Shitposting, the practice of posting intentionally low-quality or provocative content to troll or solicit reactions from others


  1. ^ Jump up to:a b "What is Copypasta? - Definition from Techopedia". Techopedia.com. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
  2. ^ "Words We're Watching: 'Copypasta'". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
  3. ^ Jaquez, Sophia (12 December 2018). "My Favorite CopyPastas". The County Current. Archived from the original on 20 September 2020. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
  4. ^ "What Does Navy Seal copypasta Mean?". Dictionary.com. Archived from the original on 26 October 2018.
  5. ^ "The Honk Pill Troll Killer: Brenton Tarrant's Motives May Never be Known – if We're Not Careful". 28 March 2019.
  6. ^ Bergado, Gabe. "How Barry B. Benson Became an Internet A-Lister". Inverse. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
  7. ^ "The Best Prank on Facebook Right Now Involves the Entire Transcript of Bee Movie". Intelligencer. 2 December 2015. Retrieved 30 December 2018.
  8. ^ "Thom Brennaman resigns from Reds after being suspended for on-air homophobic slur". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 6 July 2021.
  9. ^ Lindbergh, Ben (29 March 2021). "How "A Drive Into Deep Left Field by Castellanos" Became the Perfect Meme for These Strange Times". The Ringer. Retrieved 6 July 2021.
Copypasta From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [Jump to navigation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copypasta#mw-head)[Jump to search](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copypasta#searchInput) A copypasta is a block of text that is [copied and pasted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cut,_copy,_and_paste) across the [Internet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet) by individuals through [online forums](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Online_forum) and [social networking](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_networking) websites. Copypastas are said to be similar to [spam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spamming)[[1]](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copypasta#cite_note-Techopedia-1) as they are often used to annoy other users and disrupt online discourse. Contents 1 History 1.1 Etymology 2 Examples 2.1 Navy Seal 2.2 Bee Movie 2.3 "A Drive Into Deep Left Field by Castellanos" 3 See also 4 References History The word "copypasta" was first used on Usenet groups in 2006.[2] Etymology The term "copypasta" is derived from the computer term "copy/paste", and can be traced back to an anonymous 4chan thread from 2006.[1][3] Examples Navy Seal The Navy Seal copypasta is a lengthy, comically written, aggressive attack paragraph against a "kiddo", written in the voice of the stereotypical "tough guy", listing absurd accomplishments such as having "over 300 confirmed kills" and being "trained in gorilla [sic] warfare". This copypasta is often reposted as a humorous overreaction to an insult and is thought to have originated in a post on a 4chan message board from 11 November 2010.[4] This copypasta is used in the manifesto of the perpetrator of the Christchurch mosque shootings.[5] Bee Movie Main article: Bee Movie § Cultural influence The Bee Movie copypasta started in 2013 when users posted its entire script onto websites such as Reddit and Tumblr.[6] It was popularized when [edit](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Copypasta&action=edit§ion=1)s of the film were first uploaded to YouTube in late 2016.[7] "A Drive Into Deep Left Field by Castellanos" On August 19, 2020, during a Major League Baseball game between the Cincinnati Reds and Kansas City Royals, Reds broadcaster Thom Brennaman uttered a homophobic slur on a hot mic. Later in the broadcast, Brennaman apologized to listeners. Mid-apology, Nick Castellanos hit a home run, and Brennaman broke from his apology to deliver the play-by-play.[8] Brennaman said, "I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame." The moment became an internet meme as a copypasta. ESPN's Pablo Torre later said it "was like listening to the band play on as the Titanic was sinking. Except the band was also somehow the iceberg."[9] See also Look up copypasta in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Creepypasta, brief, user-generated, paranormal stories intended to scare readers Chain letter Faxlore, similar content circulated by fax machine Know Your Meme, a website and video series which researches and documents the history of copypastas and similar content Running gag, a recurring joke Snowclone, a cliché and phrasal template that can be used and recognized in multiple variants Shitposting, the practice of posting intentionally low-quality or provocative content to troll or solicit reactions from others References "What is Copypasta? - Definition from Techopedia". Techopedia.com. Retrieved 30 December 2018. "Words We're Watching: 'Copypasta'". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 30 December 2018. Jaquez, Sophia (12 December 2018). "My Favorite CopyPastas". The County Current. Archived from the original on 20 September 2020. Retrieved 30 December 2018. "What Does Navy Seal copypasta Mean?". Dictionary.com. Archived from the original on 26 October 2018. "The Honk Pill Troll Killer: Brenton Tarrant's Motives May Never be Known – if We're Not Careful". 28 March 2019. Bergado, Gabe. "How Barry B. Benson Became an Internet A-Lister". Inverse. Retrieved 30 December 2018. "The Best Prank on Facebook Right Now Involves the Entire Transcript of Bee Movie". Intelligencer. 2 December 2015. Retrieved 30 December 2018. "Thom Brennaman resigns from Reds after being suspended for on-air homophobic slur". Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Retrieved 6 July 2021. Lindbergh, Ben (29 March 2021). "How "A Drive Into Deep Left Field by Castellanos" Became the Perfect Meme for These Strange Times". The Ringer. Retrieved 6 July 2021.
JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

I have a dream. That one day every person in this nation will control their own destiny. A nation of the truly free, dammit. A nation of action, not words, ruled by strength, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the individual, not the other way around. Where power and justice are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to think - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes, a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again!... In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars!

JuergenFuchs commented 2 years ago

Ok everyone since you don't listen when I'm nice, I'm going to get mean.

Reacting to messages with a clown (🤡), a skull (💀), or a nerd face (🤓) isn't funny. It's not cool, it's not interesting, it's annoying.

These 3 emojis in particular aren't funny, they're RUDE. We as staff work hard to keep this place safe, and to have you all constantly react to our messages with mean emojis makes me FURIOUS.

STOP reacting to our messages with rude emojis. They do NOTHING but make you look really, really stupid.

It shows you have no rebuttals to our arguments, so you have to use juvenile tactics paramount to terrorism in order to stop us from being able to speak our truth.



This is your ONLY warning. Tread carefully...