Resource to subscribe on it events
Instructions about deploying REST service
-- Open Command line in directory 'restservice'.
-- Start the following command:
gradle build
You should see 'BUILD SUCCESSFUL' after process end.
-- Start the next command:
gradle jettyRun
-- After moment that you see about that: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 11.802 secs D:\Java\Work\itevents\restservice>gradle jettyRun :restservice:compileJava UP-TO-DATE :restservice:processResources UP-TO-DATE :restservice:classes UP-TO-DATE
Building 75% > :restservice:jettyRun > Running at http://localhost:8080/restservice
you can run the following in browser command line:
and test page of our application should be shown.
-- Run the next in browser command line:
where number is from 1 to 4. Page with xml structure of Event should be shown.
-- To stop Jetty correctly open another Command line in directory 'restservice'. Start the following command:
gradle jettyStop
-- Now you can close both instances of Command line.