JuliaArrays / StaticArrays.jl

Statically sized arrays for Julia
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Error when using `svd` on a matrix #1277

Open AntonioMoralesPerez opened 1 week ago

AntonioMoralesPerez commented 1 week ago


I'm seeing the following error on my laptop (versioninfo below):

julia> using StaticArrays
julia> A = @SMatrix rand(3,3)
julia> StaticArrays.svd(A)
 ERROR: MethodError: no method matching unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{Int32}}, ::Base.RefValue{Int64})

Closest candidates are:
  unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, ::SubArray{T, N, P, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8, AbstractRange{<:Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}}}}}}) where {T, N, P}
   @ Base subarray.jl:471
  unsafe_convert(::Type{Ptr{T}}, ::SubArray{T, N, P, <:Tuple{Vararg{Union{AbstractRange{<:Union{Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}}, Base.ReshapedArray{T, N, A, Tuple{}} where {T, N, A<:AbstractUnitRange}, Int128, Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8, UInt128, UInt16, UInt32, UInt64, UInt8}}}}) where {T, N, P}
   @ Base reshapedarray.jl:310
  unsafe_convert(::Type{T}, ::T) where T<:Ptr
   @ Base essentials.jl:547

 [1] _svd(A::SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9}, full::Val{false})
   @ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/MSJcA/src/blas.jl:108
 [2] svd(A::SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9})
   @ StaticArrays ~/.julia/packages/StaticArrays/MSJcA/src/svd.jl:36
 [3] top-level scope
   @ REPL[11]:1

I am wondering if this could be related to https://github.com/JuliaArrays/StaticArrays.jl/pull/1259.

It does work if I pin the version to StaticArrays@1.9.4

Version info:

julia> versioninfo()
 Julia Version 1.10.5
Commit 6f3fdf7b36 (2024-08-27 14:19 UTC)
Build Info:
  Built by Homebrew (v1.10.5)

    Note: This is an unofficial build, please report bugs to the project
    responsible for this build and not to the Julia project unless you can
    reproduce the issue using official builds available at https://julialang.org/downloads

Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin23.4.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M2
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 4 virtual cores)

Cc. @ronisbr & @thchr.

ronisbr commented 1 week ago

Hi @AntonioMoralesPerez !

I have no clue! It is working perfectly here:

julia> using StaticArrays

julia> A = @SMatrix rand(3,3)
3×3 SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
 0.341047  0.0916404  0.150692
 0.835556  0.34313    0.35069
 0.592661  0.315842   0.396501

julia> StaticArrays.svd(A)
StaticArrays.SVD{Float64, SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9}, SVector{3, Float64}, SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9}}([-0.29344199829684536 -0.32156522093331963 -0.900270849423472; -0.7462705141168243 -0.5115129374711869 0.42595168101488756; -0.5974714331207518 0.7968377020985536 -0.08987526422176448], [1.2956166466484553, 0.11892665553001668, 0.04175903739656561], [-0.8318247838263677 -0.36404705141675087 -0.41897168563876275; -0.5449739256390875 0.39259973336737813 0.7408568483407479; -0.10521857909009702 0.8445917319715089 -0.5249703390665303])

I am also using Apple's M-series.

ronisbr commented 1 week ago

Btw, is it possible to try downloading Julia using the official tarball or installing using juliaup instead using the version by Homebrew?

AntonioMoralesPerez commented 1 week ago

Hi @ronisbr ,

Surprisingly enough it seems to work using the official Julia tarball:

julia> using StaticArrays

julia> A = @SMatrix rand(3,3)
3×3 SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9} with indices SOneTo(3)×SOneTo(3):
 0.512645  0.953802   0.629615
 0.995764  0.0287175  0.729227
 0.731023  0.494506   0.157342

julia> StaticArrays.svd(A)
StaticArrays.SVD{Float64, SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9}, SVector{3, Float64}, SMatrix{3, 3, Float64, 9}}([-0.6380683278085035 0.6566767714075241 -0.40205027912121855; -0.6120520471716466 -0.7493802928543407 -0.2526291120091635; -0.4671842255477555 0.08488106134663963 0.880076192624259], [1.7937586409797588, 0.743925985198128, 0.3546712794328673], [-0.7125174398131923 -0.4778752328355803 -0.5137646930301784; -0.4671348450108683 0.8694323848515718 -0.16084888792894964; 0.5235493620841549 0.12538975242677453 -0.8427179097703019])

Maybe there is some sort of trouble with the Hombrew version? I will stick for now with the official tarball.

New version info:

julia> versioninfo()
Julia Version 1.10.5
Commit 6f3fdf7b362 (2024-08-27 14:19 UTC)
Build Info:
  Official https://julialang.org/ release
Platform Info:
  OS: macOS (arm64-apple-darwin22.4.0)
  CPU: 8 × Apple M2
  LIBM: libopenlibm
  LLVM: libLLVM-15.0.7 (ORCJIT, apple-m1)
Threads: 1 default, 0 interactive, 1 GC (on 4 virtual cores)
ronisbr commented 1 week ago

My guess is that they are building some required library (like openblas) with an option that is triggering the error. Can you please open an issue in homebrew?