Currently the output I get is similar to this when all doctests pass:
Test Summary: | Pass Total
doctest | 1 1
Doctests: MyPackage | 1 1
and this when one or more (in this case two) doctests fail:
Test Summary: | Pass Fail Error Total
doctest | 1 1
Doctests: MyPackage | 1 1
so it is not possible to see how many doctests have failed. Conversely, I would also like to know how many of my doctests were successful.
The doctest for this example is in runtests.jl as follows:
@time @testset "MyPackage" begin
@testset "doctest" begin
Documenter.DocMeta.setdocmeta!(MyPackage, :DocTestSetup, :(using MyPackage); recursive=true)
Perhaps this would be resolved (or at least made a bit better) by adding verbose=true to the @testset generated by Documenter.doctest, and perhaps also your one wrapping that?
It would be nice to show the number of doctests that passed or failed in the test summary as in other tests, e.g. (
Currently the output I get is similar to this when all doctests pass:
and this when one or more (in this case two) doctests fail:
so it is not possible to see how many doctests have failed. Conversely, I would also like to know how many of my doctests were successful.
The doctest for this example is in runtests.jl as follows: