JuliaIO / Parquet.jl

Julia implementation of Parquet columnar file format reader
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A parquet file or dataset can be loaded using the read_parquet function. A parquet dataset is a directory with multiple parquet files, each of which is a partition belonging to the dataset.

read_parquet(path; kwargs...) returns a Parquet.Table or Parquet.Dataset, which is the table contained in the parquet file or dataset in an Tables.jl compatible format.


The returned object is a Tables.jl compatible Table and can be converted to other forms, e.g. a DataFrames.DataFrame via

using Parquet, DataFrames
df = DataFrame(read_parquet(path))

Partitions in a parquet file or dataset can also be iterated over using an iterator returned by the Tables.partitions method.

using Parquet, DataFrames
for partition in Tables.partitions(read_parquet(path))
    df = DataFrame(partition)

Lower Level Reader

Load a parquet file. Only metadata is read initially, data is loaded in chunks on demand. (Note: ParquetFiles.jl also provides load support for Parquet files under the FileIO.jl package.)

Parquet.File represents a Parquet file at path open for reading.

Parquet.File(path) => Parquet.File

Parquet.File keeps a handle to the open file and the file metadata and also holds a weakly referenced cache of page data read. If the parquet file references other files in its metadata, they will be opened as and when required for reading and closed when they are not needed anymore.

The close method closes the reader, releases open files and makes cached internal data structures available for GC. A Parquet.File instance must not be used once closed.

julia> using Parquet

julia> filename = "customer.impala.parquet";

julia> parquetfile = Parquet.File(filename)
Parquet file: customer.impala.parquet
    version: 1
    nrows: 150000
    created by: impala version 1.2-INTERNAL (build a462ec42e550c75fccbff98c720f37f3ee9d55a3)
    cached: 0 column chunks

Examine the schema.

julia> nrows(parquetfile)

julia> ncols(parquetfile)

julia> colnames(parquetfile)
8-element Array{Array{String,1},1}:

julia> schema(parquetfile)
    schema {
      optional INT64 c_custkey
      optional BYTE_ARRAY c_name
      optional BYTE_ARRAY c_address
      optional INT32 c_nationkey
      optional BYTE_ARRAY c_phone
      optional DOUBLE c_acctbal
      optional BYTE_ARRAY c_mktsegment
      optional BYTE_ARRAY c_comment

The reader performs logical type conversions automatically for String (from byte arrays), decimals (from fixed length byte arrays) and DateTime (from Int96). It depends on the converted type being populated correctly in the file metadata to detect such conversions. To take care of files where such metadata is not populated, an optional map_logical_types argument can be provided while opening the parquet file. The map_logical_types value must map column names to a tuple of return type and converter functon. Return types of String and DateTime are supported as of now, and default implementations for them are included in the package.

julia> mapping = Dict(["column_name"] => (String, Parquet.logical_string));

julia> parquetfile = Parquet.File("filename"; map_logical_types=mapping);

The reader will interpret logical types based on the map_logical_types provided. The following logical type mapping methods are available in the Parquet package.

Variants of these methods or custom methods can also be applied by caller.


Create cursor to iterate over batches of column values. Each iteration returns a named tuple of column names with batch of column values. Files with nested schemas can not be read with this cursor.

BatchedColumnsCursor(parquetfile::Parquet.File; kwargs...)

Cursor options:


julia> typemap = Dict(["c_name"]=>(String,Parquet.logical_string), ["c_address"]=>(String,Parquet.logical_string));

julia> parquetfile = Parquet.File("customer.impala.parquet"; map_logical_types=typemap);

julia> cc = BatchedColumnsCursor(parquetfile)
Batched Columns Cursor on customer.impala.parquet
    rows: 1:150000
    batches: 1
    cols: c_custkey, c_name, c_address, c_nationkey, c_phone, c_acctbal, c_mktsegment, c_comment

julia> batchvals, state = iterate(cc);

julia> propertynames(batchvals)
(:c_custkey, :c_name, :c_address, :c_nationkey, :c_phone, :c_acctbal, :c_mktsegment, :c_comment)

julia> length(batchvals.c_name)

julia> batchvals.c_name[1:5]
5-element Array{Union{Missing, String},1}:


Create cursor to iterate over records. In parallel mode, multiple remote cursors can be created and iterated on in parallel.

RecordCursor(parquetfile::Parquet.File; kwargs...)

Cursor options:


julia> typemap = Dict(["c_name"]=>(String,Parquet.logical_string), ["c_address"]=>(String,Parquet.logical_string));

julia> parquetfile = Parquet.File("customer.impala.parquet"; map_logical_types=typemap);

julia> rc = RecordCursor(parquetfile)
Record Cursor on customer.impala.parquet
    rows: 1:150000
    cols: c_custkey, c_name, c_address, c_nationkey, c_phone, c_acctbal, c_mktsegment, c_comment

julia> records = collect(rc);

julia> length(records)

julia> first_record = first(records);

julia> isa(first_record, NamedTuple)

julia> propertynames(first_record)
(:c_custkey, :c_name, :c_address, :c_nationkey, :c_phone, :c_acctbal, :c_mktsegment, :c_comment)

julia> first_record.c_custkey

julia> first_record.c_name

julia> first_record.c_address
"IVhzIApeRb ot,c,E"


You can write any Tables.jl column-accessible table that contains columns of these types and their union with Missing: Int32, Int64, String, Bool, Float32, Float64.

However, CategoricalArrays are not yet supported. Furthermore, these types are not yet supported: Int96, Int128, Date, and DateTime.

Writer Example

tbl = (
    int32 = Int32.(1:1000),
    int64 = Int64.(1:1000),
    float32 = Float32.(1:1000),
    float64 = Float64.(1:1000),
    bool = rand(Bool, 1000),
    string = [randstring(8) for i in 1:1000],
    int32m = rand([missing, 1:100...], 1000),
    int64m = rand([missing, 1:100...], 1000),
    float32m = rand([missing, Float32.(1:100)...], 1000),
    float64m = rand([missing, Float64.(1:100)...], 1000),
    boolm = rand([missing, true, false], 1000),
    stringm = rand([missing, "abc", "def", "ghi"], 1000)

file = tempname()*".parquet"
write_parquet(file, tbl)