JuliaImages / ImageFiltering.jl

Julia implementations of multidimensional array convolution and nonlinear stencil operations
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Always single thread #194

Closed andferrari closed 3 years ago

andferrari commented 3 years ago

I cannot manage to use multithreading on my CPU (with 56 cores and JULIA_NUM_THREADS=55):

julia> using ImageFiltering
julia> img = randn(10000, 10000);
julia> kernel = KernelFactors.gaussian((10, 10), (41, 41));
julia> im_f = imfilter(img, kernel);
julia> Threads.nthreads()

but htopshows only 1 active cpu. Multithreading e.g. with using LinearAlgebra works perfectly.

Thank you for your help!

andferrari commented 3 years ago

As it is written in the doc, multithreading is only for FIR filters