JuliaPluto / static-export-template

A template to automatically convert Pluto notebooks to an HTML website with GitHub Pages. Demo page:
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Where should I place a file to be included? #23

Open BoundaryValueProblems opened 6 hours ago

BoundaryValueProblems commented 6 hours ago

Thanks a lot for creating this quite useful template! However, I have one question. Along with the example file, My cool notebook.jl, I created my own Pluto notebook, say, lecture02.jl. In my notebook, there is a line: include("dst1u.jl") and I already uploaded dst1u.jl on my GitHub repo in the same directory as My cool notebook.jl and lecture02.jl reside. Then, I followed all these instructions, and successfully created the website that has a link to lecture02 as expected. When I pushed the link, however, it generated the following error at this include("dst1u.jl") statement:

SystemError: opening file "/home/runner/work/EACHABook/EACHABook/dst1u.jl": No such file or directory

I have two questions: 1) My repo name is simply, EACHABook, but why this name is repeated twice in the above error message? 2) What should I use to append in the argument of include("dst1u.jl")? Should I write include("/home/runner/EACHABook/EACHABook/dst1u.jl")? Thanks a lot for your help!!

BoundaryValueProblems commented 5 hours ago

Actually, if I write include(./dst1u.jl") instead of the simple include("dst1u.jl"), it works! However, my question 1, i.e., why the repo name is repeated twice in the default file directory still remains.