Awesome Neuropixels
A curated list of awesome Neuropixels resources, in no particular order. Create a pull request or raise a github issue to add any resources to this list.
Neuropixels papers and manuals
Courses, talks and videos
Probe setup, care and sharpening
Chronic implants
Recoverable implants:
- Aery Jones implant, Giocomo lab (protocol)
- Apollo (Bimbard & Coen) implant, Carandini/Harris lab (paper, GitHub page)
- Aydin & van Daal, implant, Haesler lab (paper, citation, GitHub page)
- Ghestem implant, Ferraris lab (paper, GitHub page)
- Juavinett implant, Churchland lab (paper, GitHub page)
- Luo & Bondy implant, Brody lab (paper, GitHub page)
- Melin & Couto implant, Churchland lab (GitHub page)
- van Daal, Aydin & Michon implant, Haesler lab (paper, GitHub page)
- Vöröslakos et al. microdrive implant, Buzsáki lab (paper, Github link, modified version for 2.0 probes).
Non recoverable implants:
Data acquisition
General frameworks that incorporate many of the steps below
Data preprocessing
- SpikeGLX:
- Open Ephys: / matlab, python
- Applying a phase shift to Neuropixels channels (to correct asynchronous sampling across ADCs):
- Common-average-referencing (gets rid of noise):
- Data compression/decompression:
Quality control
Classifying cell types
Tracking cells over days
Loading and plotting data
Trajectory planning
3D trajectory planning tools (
⚠️ Note that the 3D tools below use a (scaled) version of the Allen Atlas, and they disagree with other standard atlases like Franklin & Paxinos. This is because the Allen CCF atlas is not the size of the average mouse brain, and the tilt of the atlas is not leveled at bregma and lambda. To correct for these, scaling and tilt values have been approximated, but they still disagree significantly with the Franklin & Paxinos Atlas. ⚠️ )