Juris-M / jm-styles

Juris-M styles: extended CSL styles with jurisdiction support
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Bibliographical entry has no date #16

Open iron-td opened 2 years ago

iron-td commented 2 years ago

For the style jm-chicago-fullnote-bibliography-polyglot, when exporting citations, the bibliographical entry has no date. For example:

Tao, Zongyi 陶宗儀. Nancun chuogeng lu 南村輟耕錄 (1366). Lidai shiliao biji congkan Yuan Ming shiliao biji 歷代史料筆記叢刊 元明史料筆記. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.

Shi, Weimin 史衛民. “Yuandai shiwei qinjun jianzhi yange kaoshu 元代侍衛親軍建置沿革考述.” In Yuanshi luncong 元史論叢, edited by Yuanshi yanjiu hui 元史研究會, 4:84–109. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju.

This is only a problem for books. Journals display dates just fine.