KAT-Advanced-Medical / KAM

The ACE Advanced Medical System is nice, but we can do it better, even on a more realistic way and bring it on another level with these addons.
GNU General Public License v3.0
59 stars 93 forks source link

Feature Requests #29

Open FluffyGhoster opened 4 years ago

FluffyGhoster commented 4 years ago

A port of the feature requests from the Katalam/KAM repository and new additions from players


Add a detailed description of the feature you wish, if it's deemed accepted it will be moved to a feature request by itself and a target version will be added, on the completed development a pull request will contain the Issue ID and the issue will be closed

FPFalcon commented 2 years ago

New Icon for KAT discord and KAT mod

Developed through feedback on the discord, I thought the icon for KAT and by extension the one in ArmA, needed updating since KAT is more than just adding a KingLT. So I took it upon myself to develop a new one. Use it, don't, it's up to you.


fijik124 commented 2 years ago

IO and IV system

Hi I have 1 big problem with the new IO and IV system IO in this mode means fast IO it is a tool that you "shoot" into the sternum transfusion with a hook that catches the bone and has no chance to fall out but IV is a classic transfusion needle that is inserted into a vein so at the slightest movement or pulling it can loosen or fall out

My question is whether it would be possible to divide this setting into IV and IO in the future because it is quite unrealistic and at the same time quite annoying when it keeps falling out I understand it's some kind of gimmick but we try to stick to reality so I wanted to ask if it's in the plane somehow split this setting

Thank you for your reply and have a nice day

yesthatRiVin commented 2 years ago

Add an option to check for cyanosis. Have it so medics & bystanders can get a rough estimate of someone's blood o2 content without a pulse oximeter. Base it off of percentages of the lethal 02 variable, that way it can change depending on what the server is set to.

It would just be a 2-second interaction on the head and would return one of four values:

If you have any questions I'm on the KAT discord as RiVin.zip

yesthatRiVin commented 2 years ago

At the suggestion of one of my unit’s medics:

-Change the name of “turn head” to “Recovery Position”

-Change the AAT kit to two devices, the NCD Kit and the Chest Tube NCD Kit works similarly to the AAT kit with the exception of it doesn’t have a drain fluid option. It will also have a slight chance to have the tension come back. Chest Tube takes 30s to put in but definitive clears both tension and hemo ptx

Nova0127 commented 2 years ago

Add an option to enable/disable permissions (Medic/Doctor, Doctor only, Anyone) for injection of some of the new merged drugs. Similar setting to AED/AED-X. Probably only Ammonium Carbonate, Naloxone, and TXA? Maybe could extend to Epinephrine and Morphine as well.

My unit allows everyone to use Epi and Morphine for quality of life, but we think the other more advanced drugs should be able to be restricted as they probably would be IRL. Also seeing as they only really enhance a medic’s ability and aren’t essential for stabilization (Non-medics would still be able to provide basic care).

yesthatRiVin commented 2 years ago

It hasn't been 24 hours yet polski ;)

Add ketamine as an IV med

Recomended values:

painReduce = 1.7 hrIncreaseLow[] = {5, 10}; hrIncreaseNormal[] = {10, 15}; hrIncreaseHigh[] = {15, 20}; timeInSystem = 600; timeTillMaxEffect = 15; maxDose = 4; incompatibleMedication[] = {}; viscosityChange = 10;

And for some reason, I couldn't find a BP increase variable but it should increase RR by 15%

yesthatRiVin commented 2 years ago

Add a "pray to the dark gods mechanic"

It works in two parts, an inventory item known as the "sacrifice kit", and a launcher item named "sacrificial goat".

In order for it to work, you have to first use the ace self-interact menu while the sacrifice kit is in your inventory to place the sacrifice kit on the ground. It then will place down the 3d model of a terribly drawn pentagram with candles on every point in the star. Then, you press the ace interact key on the pentagram while you have the goat in your inventory and select "prepare sacrifice". It will then remove the goat from your inventory and place the model down in the middle of the pentagram. (you can not place the goat down until you have placed the kit, think like how CSWs work, where you have to place the base and then the weapon) The player will then open the ace interact menu on the pentagram again and see the option to "pray to the old ones". If they do it, most of the time the goat and pentagram will despawn and everyone within 5m of the pentagram is fully healed, regardless of their status. However, there is a 1 in 20 chance that instead of healing, lightning will strike the pentagram and everyone within 5m will die instantly, damned for all eternity for meddling with forces beyond their comprehension.

I'm only suggesting this half as a joke and half as a decent idea for a fun Halloween/April Fools gimmick.

yesthatRiVin commented 2 years ago

Add syringes.

ACE already has the code to combine items through the ace interact menu (chemlights and chemlight shields) so it should be possible to create a system where you have an item "syringe" that you can combine with a drug to create a " syringe". It would work under the same conditions as an IV, i.e. it needs a heartbeat to work, and the arm can't be too damaged. Once it's prepped, it should show up in the ace medical menu in Advanced Treatment, the same as IV. It'd obviously be disposable. That way medics can have a way to administer "unfucking shit" drugs like TXA without having to establish an IV line beforehand, allowing quicker treatment time for critical patients.

Alternatively, if that's a bitch to code you could just create syringes that are prefilled with critical drugs like TXA, Amio, Ketamine (once you finally add it), etc. That way you could code them basically as an auto-injector that only works when the limb satisfies the "IV works" condition. Some medics might actually prefer that because it means they don't have to go back to the ACE self-interact menu if they didn't prep enough syringes before treating.

Ghostworrior commented 2 years ago

Add drop rates/pressure infuser.

It would be cool specially for an feature already present in ACE Pharm IV clotting, to get the option to change Infusion drop rates.

Normal Infusions run like they do now if fully opened, with only half the flow rate if half closed and so on. I would suggest values of Running free, half closed, slightly dripping.

On the other hand I would like to see the implementation of pressure infusers, which would allow the medic to set a pressure as he desires. The value will be check against the current RR of the patient. ((sys value / sys rr)+(dia value / dia rr))/2 the result would be applied as a multipler for the flow rate. All chances and other variables are examples and would be awesome if editable in the addon options.

Ghostworrior commented 2 years ago

Change AAT Kit and add NCDs/drainage sets.

I would suggest that we separate the NCD needles and the drainage sets, which currently are within the AAT Kit. This would allow medics and community's more freedom: i.e. having a frontline medic being able to fix a tension pneumothorax but unable to fix a hemopneumothorax, which would require higher medical aid...

The before mentioned NCD needles could come in to types:

  1. proper NCD device with an 95% success chance.
  2. Improvised NCD i.e. 14G IV needle 50% success chance.

The drainage set would be a straight forward replacement for the AAT Kit with only one function.

For the moment I would remove the AAT Kit till my next idea would be in the ring. All chances and other variables are examples and would be awesome if editable in the addon options.

MiszczuZPolski commented 2 years ago

We already have IV/IO flow rates dependent on circulation... Now I would be cool specially for an feature already present in ACE Pharm IV clotting, to get the option to change Infusion drop rates.

IIRC there isn't flow rate dependent on circulation in KAT Pharmacy (except for one addition - if pulse <20, flowrate/1.5)

About rest of request - i would like to see some more explanation/description how things should work - you can ping me on discord if you want - easier to discuss things there

Ghostworrior commented 2 years ago

Airway Management Extension.

The next big thing you devs are going to hate me for...

Escalation Airway Management: Till the KingLT all stays the same. The King LT gets a 10% chance to fail placement, has the option to reapply without consuming the KingLT.

There is a 5% chance of the patient getting an difficult airway parameter upon going unconscious.

A patient with difficult airways can either be ventilated with a KingLT but with half capacity only (SpO2 change gets halfed) or cant be ventilated at all, chance for both could be standard 50/50.

If the patient cant be ventilated you can get an AAT or Surgical Airway Kit (naming change could be good to avoid confusion)... which acts as the KingLT does now, completely ignores/removes occlusion and obstruction, but induces slight pain.

All chances and other variables are examples and would be awesome if editable in the addon options. Thanks for your work guys... If I would be more competent I would try to help but...

Paramed101 commented 2 years ago

Description: Feature request for AEDs to provide feedback.

The use of an AED is to provide Automated check on the patient's heart activity and suggest if a shock is practical. Every AED would do this and provide audio feedback like this: https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx0j6qGgcTWG9dxJ5I_suPX0CzxEEeCwAU

HOWEVER, AEDs generally do not provide SPO2 or pulse feedback. This would be the benefit of an AED-X.

Currently Currently, the "normal" AED doesn't provide any assessment or audio feedback. The AED-X is able to provide audio feedback and tell you if it's a shockable rythem.

Feature request Add the ability for the "normal" AED to "check rhythm". Do NOT add the ability to "monitor vitals" as this would be reserved for the AED-X.

Reason Without this feature, it is required that you use an AED-X if wanting to use the advanced cardiac system, making the AED almost pointless. By adding the feature, it actually makes the AED a useful alternative to the AED-X, but still make the AED-X the best option. It balances the equipment and makes it work like real life.

I have seen this has already been requested Im requesting again ato show interest

yesthatRiVin commented 1 year ago

Credits to ArcherAdaptive for this idea.

Have blood expire after a certain amount of time. It's unrealistic to have units out there running around for hours with blood in their packs with no downsides. So have it so unless blood is stored in a medical vehicle, it expires (removes itself from the users inventory with a popup saying "<#>mL Blood has expired"). The default value should be 600 seconds, with the option to change that in settings.

Will-Nichols commented 1 year ago

Credits to ArcherAdaptive for this idea.

Have blood expire after a certain amount of time. It's unrealistic to have units out there running around for hours with blood in their packs with no downsides. So have it so unless blood is stored in a medical vehicle, it expires (removes itself from the users inventory with a popup saying "<#>mL Blood has expired"). The default value should be 600 seconds, with the option to change that in settings.

The rule for real world is not having RBC units out of temperature controlled storage is 30 minutes and not longer than 4 hours for a complete transfusion of the RBC unit. In my humble opinion the default should at least be 30 minutes (1800 seconds) and have it as a changeable option in the settings because not all units use the "blood" within the 10 minute mark and several don't use it at all because they use the "plasma" and "saline" from ACE because it acts the same as "blood".

Katskan commented 1 year ago

Perfusion system overhauls/expansions

Part 1: Set CPR heart rate to 100-120

Part 2: Raise minimum heart rate to lose SpO2 from poor perfusion to 50. Replace the current system where O2 loss occurs when BPM is under 20, to any pulse where BPM is under 50 O2 is lost.

Part 3: Add a check that if the patient is conscious, if their BP is <90 systolic then they lose SpO2. Additionally, allow being made conscious by carbonate or slaps based on vitals only, not blood volume.

Why? This does 2 things that bring positive depth to the system. First, it makes medications that primarily alter BP have function beyond manipulating IV flow rate. Second, it gives experienced medics options to use tools to wake patients early, provided they can manage the resultant consequence in terms of burning O2.

Also who does CPR at 30bpm. Arma characters need to have a mass re-cert in BLS.

Katskan commented 1 year ago

Organ damage types as a surgery expansion: Add organ damage types which can occur similar to how pneumothorax is done, where depending on the part of body hit, above a certain damage threshold you roll a chance for different organ issues. Example ideas: Chest: Heart- causes severe pain, rapid SpO2 loss, continuous rapid blood loss until treated Lung- current pneumothorax system, add continuous slow blood loss until hemothorax is treated Liver- rapid blood loss until treated, slow increase to acidosis level Kidney- rapid increase to acidosis level

Head: Major vessel injury- rapid blood loss until treated Brain damage- high chance of losing consciousness until treated, increased vomit chance when unconscious

How to treat: Add new tools: 1- vessel repair kit 2- wound suction kit 3- graft mesh Example procedures: Heart repair- Incision, retract skin, cut bone, retract bone, suction blood, vessel repair, graft mesh, bone plate Liver repair- Incision, retract skin, suction blood, vessel repair, graft mesh Kidney repair- Incision, retract skin, vessel repair Major vessel injury- Incision, retract skin, vessel repair Brain damage- Incision, retract skin, cut bone, retract bone, suction blood, vessel repair, bone plate

How to balance: With configurable damage thresholds and occurrence chances, these can be eliminated from gameplay or be made relevant as consequences for units which do not use instant death settings. Additionally, for units which have rear-line support units dedicated to in-depth medical performance, it allows for medical evacuation to serve a purpose beyond simply RP or evacuating to a designated area where the newer bone and debridement options can be performed. Disclaimer: heavily inspired by Space Station 13's organ and surgical system.

Katskan commented 1 year ago

Deteriorating fractures.

Like it says on the tin.

An option to have simple fractures be made worse by moving around too much while they're not splinted.

Katskan commented 1 year ago

Add a setting to allow time penalties/boosts on actions like ptx/tptx/htptx/surgery for lower medical level. Basically setting so "doctor" tagged personnel can do stuff faster than "medic".

Th3Jock3R commented 1 year ago


first thank you for continue the development of this great mod... We realy appreciate it!

Second, to my request: It would be very nice if there is a setting option in the CBA settings for the KAT blood groups, as what the normal ACE blood items without blood group are treated.

My suggestion for this would be the setting options:

0: that means it is compatible with all Bloodtypes random: That means when creating the transfusion, it will be decided internally which blood type it is. (good for survival missions, where unidentified blood can be found) Incidentally with Incompatible: Here, there would be a risk for AB (& AB+) to get an incompatible blood unit because either donors blood unit is a rare blood group which cannot be mapped within the AB rhesus factor system or the unit is simply spoiled. Incompatible: are always incompatible, RP technically corrupted or contaminated in end time scenarios like Exile or similar. Thank you for you great work and wish you all a nice Christmas time!

MiszczuZPolski commented 1 year ago

So basically, you want new items like "Unidentified blood" and "Spoiled blood"? ping me on kat dc, its easier to discuss

Th3Jock3R commented 1 year ago


already found it... Sry, Layer 8.....

MiszczuZPolski commented 1 year ago

Suggestion made by NMoreira88 in #77

  1. Add the option to raise victim's legs. a) If the victim has low blood volume but is not able to receive fluids due to inexperience, lack of permissions or no equipment available, there should be the option to raise his legs in order to concentrate fluids in his vitals. b) If the victim has increased heart rate due to low blood pressure this would also help slowing it down, specially important if the victim has wounds that aren't closed or torniqueted limbs without bandaged wounds.

  2. Adding a breathing feature to victims, to better complete the SpO2 mechanic. a) Right now there's nothing related to breathing except for pneumothorax injuries and airway management. Implementing a breathing function would make triage a lot more decisive. According to NAEMT TC3 ASM victims that are unconscious and not breathing shouldn't be prioritized over other types of casualties that retain the power to breathe, dispite responsiveness and consciousness. This is obviously when under fire and not in an ER or Battalion level Trauma unit and normally a guideline for Combat Lifesavers.

MildlyInterested commented 1 year ago

If person has a broken or splinted leg their leg apparently is (temporarly) shorter than the other one.

Since their stride is now shorter on one side the patient should start walking slightly in circles and can't run straight anymore without A/D input. That's my suggestion.

GoldenTomcat commented 1 year ago

1) Add a scrollbar to the medications tab. The medications tab allows for a maximum of 11 items. This limits what you can carry and use if you need to carry 12 or more medications.

2) Add an ability to differentiate which arm the pulse oximeter is on. At the moment, the "remove pulse-oximeter" option displays on each arm irrespective of where the psychical device is. This is a problem in a scenario where you have tourniquets on each arm and you want to remove the one blocking the pulse oximeter. This ends up in you having to guess which arm to remove the tourniquet from.

Adding a line in the overview, similar to how the tourniquet or IV/IO needle shows up, would be an ideal solution.

MiszczuZPolski commented 1 year ago

1) is not easy thing, that require messing with arma GUI - and nobody really want to do it 2) will be added "soon" by Blue

GoldenTomcat commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I had a feeling that was going to be off limits, no bother though.

Good news on the second one though, thanks!

Will-Nichols commented 10 months ago

Here are a couple suggestions.

Add more in-depth treatment to burns.

-Burns should cause tachycardia and hypotension secondary to hypovolemia. This is typically treated via fluid resuscitation using the parkland formula. Burn sheets would be a nice addition too.

How about COULD CAUSE instead of SHOULD CAUSE; It's not always a if this then that response by the human body to a trauma event.

-Burns that affect the airway can rapidly induce swelling and cause closing of the airway if an advanced airway adjunct is not in place.


-For low skilled providers BVM usage can be over zealous with ventilations, and without an advanced airway adjunct in place this could cause air to enter the stomach and cause gastric distention. This should cause emesis to enter the upper airway more frequently.

-It says that intubation is added with this mod, however, I do not see endotracheal intubation in-game, only supraglottic airways. ET intubation allows for a vastly more secure airway and prevents vomitus and blood from entering the lower airway.

-surgical cricothyrotomy should be an option for severe trauma or airway obstruction.


-unstable closed fractures should cause internal hemorrhaging.

Same thing as what you say about burns; unstable closed fractures CAN POSSIBLY/COULD CAUSE instead of SHOULD CAUSE; It's not always a if this then that response by the human body to a trauma event.

-Add the application of manual traction or using a traction splint for midshaft femur fractures.

-Add a pelvic binder for an unstable pelvis fracture.

Limitations of the Arma 3 engine don't allow for details like femur fractures of pelvic injuries. It's just not possible.

-Tourniquets that are applied for extended periods of time should cause rhabdomyolysis when removed.


-add sodium bicarbonate for treatment of metabolic acidosis.

-IVs should not be allowed in a limb with a fracture as it could cause extravasation.

Again limitations of the Arma 3 engine on the IV placement and bicarb is already in one of the drug sections of the mod or a supporting mod.

-Please add a notification when people enter your medical menu. I've been drugged to many times against my will ;'(

Th3Jock3R commented 6 months ago

I would like to request the addition of a feature that enables blood volume to regenerate over time. It would be nice, if the feature include the option to adjust the regeneration rate via CBA settings (ml/hour). Ideally, there would be an option to require fluid consumption for regeneration

TubaHorse commented 5 months ago

I think a cool addition to available equipment would be an AutoPulse-like device. Some sort of equipment that you attach to a unit's chest that maintains CPR while you move them or otherwise work on them. It would make sense for it to take up a larger amount of inventory space to balance it out. Maybe it causes severe pain when used because it's a piston crushing your chest to keep your heart beating?

Now that I think about it... maybe ribs should be a breakable bone in the game? Susceptible to crushing damage?

ItsGiantCookie commented 5 months ago

A compression bag for IVs to increase flow rate with the downside of taking some time to prepare the bag would be a god addittion in my opinion

Will-Nichols commented 5 months ago

I think a cool addition to available equipment would be an AutoPulse-like device. Some sort of equipment that you attach to a unit's chest that maintains CPR while you move them or otherwise work on them. It would make sense for it to take up a larger amount of inventory space to balance it out. Maybe it causes severe pain when used because it's a piston crushing your chest to keep your heart beating?

Now that I think about it... maybe ribs should be a breakable bone in the game? Susceptible to crushing damage?

It's been a while but I do remember a function in ACE (maybe a long time ago) that you could possibly crack/break ribs doing compressions in ACE Medical; or maybe that was a different mod that added something to ACE. I know it was one we ran in a previous milsim unit. If I can find the details I will post that in here.

Will-Nichols commented 5 months ago

A compression bag for IVs to increase flow rate with the downside of taking some time to prepare the bag would be a god addittion in my opinion

Are you thinking about a "Pressure Infusion Bag"? If so they aren't really used for field operations because you have to maintain a steady state of pressure with the bag from an air source like an air compressor or hospital supplied air (which again comes from a big ass air compressor that distributes air throughout the hospital/surgery center.); I sell them for a living.

In my humble opinion that's not something that would be practical; either in game or in real life if you are only using it in the field. Way too many milsim units want realism for medical but shortcuts on doing the actual medical stuff like surgical, broken bones and recovery/healing.

Will-Nichols commented 5 months ago

I think a cool addition to available equipment would be an AutoPulse-like device. Some sort of equipment that you attach to a unit's chest that maintains CPR while you move them or otherwise work on them. It would make sense for it to take up a larger amount of inventory space to balance it out. Maybe it causes severe pain when used because it's a piston crushing your chest to keep your heart beating? Now that I think about it... maybe ribs should be a breakable bone in the game? Susceptible to crushing damage?

It's been a while but I do remember a function in ACE (maybe a long time ago) that you could possibly crack/break ribs doing compressions in ACE Medical; or maybe that was a different mod that added something to ACE. I know it was one we ran in a previous milsim unit. If I can find the details I will post that in here.

It wasn't ACE. It was XMed (https://github.com/X39/XMedSys1)

BritishSpuds commented 4 months ago

hey if its not too big of a deal, id love for the classnames file here on github to be updated with all the items not currently listed. im currently making a mission and im not 100% sure on how KAT medical fully works yet, so for the medics i want to give them an arsenal with all the medical items in it and i need all the classnames for that. the only problem is, theres nowhere i can find with all the classnames available :/