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Default permissions: Trainer + Tutor: (using own defined roles) : using pypi/django-permission + pypi/django-admin-view-permission #241

Open ifrh opened 8 years ago

ifrh commented 8 years ago

can somebody confirm, that there exists no active default permissions for Trainer + Tutor?

I think the following should be as default: Trainer: can create, delete or modify a task can add, delete or modify a checker for a task can add or exchange a "model solution" for a task can create, delete or modify an attestation can annotate a solutionfile can modify or delete a annotation of a solutionfile can watch solutions (befor timeover or run allcheckers) Tutor:
can watch solutions (befor timeover or run allcheckers) can annotate a solutionfile can modify or delete a annotation of a solutionfile

But I am unsure about putting permissions from accounts, admin, attestation, auth, checker, configuration, contenttypes, sessions, solutions, tasks together to archive my recomendet default permissions for trainer and tutor.

mhecker commented 7 years ago

i'm not quite sure what you mean by

active default permissions

if by that you mean permissions defined by something like then in that sense, there really are no "active default permissions".

Permissions are currently checked in the corresponding views, either by annations such as @staff_member_required, or in the view code itself, with checks like

    if not (request.user.is_trainer or request.user.is_superuser):
        return access_denied(request)

Acces to files is also restricted in, via uses of utilities.views.serve_unrestricted and the like.

Yes, this is all somewhat messy.

ifrh commented 7 years ago

I thought about a permission setup , using "Permissions and Authorization" mentioned at and so that a Praktomat-Admin could generate via Admin-Page new kind of user categories and can apply permissions to these without changing template or view code.

That means: refactor view and template code to just obey "Permissions" and not (only) relay on is_trainer or is_superuser Best regards, Robert

ifrh commented 6 years ago

For Django 1.8 and later there could be an interesting permission-Addon for using on praktomats admin-page: With that we could allow Tutors having read-only access to all Solutions while upload-time is active

ifrh commented 6 years ago

If we would define Permissions and relay on them, one could use Permissions like that:

perm = Permission.objects.get(codename='solutionanalyst')
allowedusers = User.objects.filter(Q(groups__permissions=perm) | Q(user_permissions=perm) ).distinct()

Edit: Where solutionanalyst could be an own defined role or group, which should have access to admin-page and is only allowed to see and analyse all students uploads but is not tutor nor trainer nor superuser.

ifrh commented 6 years ago

In there is an example given how "Groups" with "permissions" can be created via migrate. If I understand the stackoverflow example right, than for every app (like solution, checker, task) the permission could be set, so trainers must not be superusers. That should also fix

ifrh commented 6 years ago

An other way for adding permissions while migrating is written here:

ifrh commented 6 years ago

writing data migrations is documented here : I'll try it.