KRaizer / Soar-Python-Minimum-Working-Example

A minimum working example for using the SOAR cognitive architecture with python for creating an agent that interacts with the environment using SOAR's input-output links.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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A minimum working example for using the SOAR cognitive architecture with python for creating an agent that interacts with the environment using SOAR's input-output links.

How to start

On a linux machine:

1) Install java OpenJDK v8

2) Install python 2 and python 3 2.1) Make python 3 your default option by adding this to .bashrc:

alias python=python3

3) Install swig

sudo apt install swig

4) Clone Soar from github:

git clone

5) At Soar's root folder, run python build script:

If you want to use python 2, run this:

python scons/ sml_python

However, if you want to use python 3, run the following:

python2 scons/ sml_python --python=/usr/bin/python3

Build results should be in folder /out

Run hello-world to see if it is working

At a terminal, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PYTHONPATH to Soar's code current location, for instance:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/Desktop/Soar/out
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:~/Desktop/Soar/out

An alternative is to copy those lines to the end of .bashrc file, so you don't have to do it every time you open a new terminal.

Run hello world example:


You should see the following:

Hello world
1:    ==>S: S2 (state no-change)  

Run for an example of using IO

Run the toy environmnet example:


You should see something like this:

(' ------------- Soar cycle: ', 0, ' ------------- ')
('---> Environment sensed: ', [7, 9])
===> Soar output: 16.000000

===> Soar input: 7.000000 9.000000
1:    O: O2 (initialize-toy-env)
('---> Environment acted:', 0)
(' ------------- Soar cycle: ', 1, ' ------------- ')
('---> Environment sensed: ', [7, 3])
===> Soar output: 10.000000

===> Soar input: 7.000000 3.000000
2:    ==>S: S2 (state no-change)
('---> Environment acted:', 16.0)
(' ------------- Soar cycle: ', 2, ' ------------- ')
('---> Environment sensed: ', [3, 4])
===> Soar output: 7.000000

===> Soar input: 3.000000 4.000000
3:    ==>S: S3 (state no-change)
('---> Environment acted:', 10.0)

The goal of this exercise is to show how to use the IO interface and perform a simple cognitive cycle inside a Soar agent. The "toy environment" is just a function that produces two random numbers and receives a single result. This agent receives these numbers through "sensors", add them up, and return them through actuators.

Learn more at

1) Soar Manual

2) Soar Tutorials

3) Python Interface Example

4) Python SML Interface file /Soar/build/Core/ClientSMLSWIG/Python/

5) pysoarlib