Open stratochief66 opened 9 years ago
Recent updates to RF (for both KSP 1.3.1 and 1.4.*) have gone a long way to mitigating the boiloff issue. Passive insulation (can be added by players) and Dewars (currently only in ServiceModule tank types) combined with active cooling will give players control over their boiloff problems.
I've also successfully tested craft where the Liquefier Array can be used to capture boiloff gasses and reliquefy them.
Regarding the re-purposing of liquid hydrogen tanks, that does't seem very practical because it has to hold the hydrogen while you are producing your methane. So you'll already have a tank for the methane.
Resource input nodes accept flow so you could configure a converter's input node with VESSEL_ALL. That combined with the tank priority system will let players control what tanks are filled even if there is a decouple between them. (and I think decouplers also have the crossfeed module...?)
first test ISRU for mars @Starwaster