The LLaMaPUn library will consist of a wide range of processing tools for natural language and mathematics.
New: Efforts have started in adopting third-party tools (such as the SENNA NLP toolkit) and adapting them to the focus of mathematical documents. As such, the current build target is refocused on the C programming language, migrating away from Perl. Given the portability of C, we expect to eventually offer high level wrappers for a variety of scripting languages.
Please remember that all third-party tools enforce their own licensing constraints.
Disclaimer: This Github repository is currently undergoing gradual migration from the original subversion repository.
The migration consists of reorganizing the libraries, and preparing a CPAN-near bundle including a testbed and detailed documentation.
This process also brings a namespace change to the now properly spelled LLaMaPUn.
Several upcoming deployments of the CorTeX framework have motivated the move to GitHub
and provide an outlook for a number of fixes and features to be added to the library.
High-level Overview
- Unicode normalization,
- Stopwords - based on widely accepted lists, enhanced for STEM texts,
- Semi-structured to plain text normalization (math, citations, tables, etc.),
- Purification of text and math modality (e.g. move trailing dots left in math back into the sentence text),
- Stemming - adaptation of the Morpha stemmer,
- Tokenization - rule-based sentence segmentation, and SENNA word tokenization
Shallow Analysis
- Language identification (via libTextCat),
- N-gram footprints,
- Part-of-speech tagging (via SENNA),
- Named Entity recognition (via SENNA),
- Chunking and shallow parsing (via SENNA),
- [TODO] "Definition" paragraph discrimination task (training SVM classifiers, based on TF/IDF and Ngram BoW features, via libsvm)
- [TODO] "Declaration" sentence discrimination task (training CRF models via CRFsuite).
Representation Toolkit
- Document Narrative Model (DNM) addition to the XML DOM
- XPointer and string offset annotation support
- Integration with the CorTeX processing framework
- [TOPORT] Shared Packed parse forests for mathematical formulas (aka "disjunctive logical forms")
See also
Feel free to send any feedback to the project maintainer at