KairoiAI / An_Incomplete_History_of_Research_Ethics

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Conceptualisation 🖊️ Legacy Story: Hippocratic Oath #47

Open Ismael-KG opened 2 years ago

Ismael-KG commented 2 years ago

Legacy Stories are stories that were conceptualised in September 2021, before the timeline was on Tiki-Toki, let alone GitHub. The story in its current form lives here.


Legacy Story: Hippocratic Oath

Date or Period đź“…

5th century BC (see Dossabhoy et al., 2017; Green, 2017).

Elevator Pitch

Physicians pledging allegiance to the Oath promised, amongst other things, to “abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous,” to “give no deadly medicine to any one if asked,” and to “abstain from every voluntary act of mischief and corruption" (McPherson, 2015).


The Oath is key in discussions of the history of bioethics.

Unformed Thoughts

McPherson finds an interesting overlap between modern interpretations and the original oath: “the idea that medical professionals should promote health knowledge and skills between one another and between the care team and patients.” On the one hand, physicians are advised to work with one another, sharing knowledge and skills. By this token, the Oath shapes, in a sense, medical institutions. On the other hand, the Oath engages with how doctors ought to interact with their patients.