KairoiAI / An_Incomplete_History_of_Research_Ethics

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Light bulb Moment 💡 Nullius in verba + Academic freedom #7

Open Ismael-KG opened 2 years ago

Ismael-KG commented 2 years ago


Nullius in verba + Academic freedom

Elevator Pitch

Göttingen University's early notion of academic freedom reflects the Royal Society's motto Nullius in verba.


Whilst nullius in verba is the motto of the Royal Society, that story is too long for the motto to be mentioned. In the meantime, at the time of writing, the Göttingen University story still needs some work. This second story relates the beginnings of academic freedom. The stories of Galileo and Bacon lead to the conclusion that science must be freed from (certain) authoritative voices (regardless of whether that is true or the case in reality). The motto -nullius in verba_ captures this spirit quite nicely.

Unformed Thoughts