Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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JAP - Japan declaring war on Xinjiang after the Fading Sun event #19510

Closed DerEherneRaecher closed 2 years ago

DerEherneRaecher commented 2 years ago

Quick questions OS: Windows 10 HOI4 version: 1.11.9 Kaiserreich version: Dev-Build: Master List any other mods used: None Were you using Steam? Yes Were you in multiplayer? No Which expansions do you NOT have? Music and Armour Packs

Explanation of the issue: Right after the Fading Sun event, Japan declared war on Xinjiang. Also, Japan still has war goals against Yunnan and the Ma Clique, whilst having no way to reach any of these nations.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Defeat JAP as China while Japan has war goals on other Chinese states

Possible cause: Japan doesn't lose its war goals against Chinese nations not involved in the war in the Fading Sun event

Screenshots: 20220320144907_1 20220320144940_1

Alpinia commented 2 years ago
