Kaiserreich / Kaiserreich-4-Bug-Reports

Issue tracker for Kaiserreich for Hearts of Iron 4
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UKR, GAL, POL, ROM - Consider adding more victory points, moving a few, adding and adjusting a few railway locations #23248

Open IlliaYanchuk opened 12 months ago

IlliaYanchuk commented 12 months ago
Please Note (click to expand) Suggestions that don't match this template will be closed. We understand this can seem harsh, but in order to ensure we are able to keep on track of bugs other serious issues it is vital our issue tracker is kept organised. The kinds of suggestions that will get close and directed elsewhere include, but are not limited to: - Anything that suggests adding new content - Anything that is focused around changing lore - Anything that will take a significant amount of time to implement - Anything that isn't specific and actionable change about existing content, as the template specifies Please know that this isn't out of any disrespect for the ideas you might have for the mod, and encourage people with a passion to get involved either on the subreddit, the discord or even via joining the team itself. But that being said, suggestions that don't match this template will be closed.

Quick questions HOI4 version: 1.12.14 Kaiserreich version: 0.26.1

Explain the reasoning behind this actionable change:

Describe the specific change you would like:

Add new cities on the map, move some, and expand a railway between Romania and Ukraine in Bessarabia. I mostly planned in with Ukraine in mind, but I also added a suggestion for Krakow region as it felt inappropriate to leave it out, and a one for Poland as I spotted Kielce to be out of place, and for Romania while thinking what to add for Odesa region. Names written first are for when Endonyms Mode is disabled.

Kielce: move Kielce VP a tile north, as it's almost on the same level as Czestochowa. Krakow: add Nowy Sacz, Tarnow and Rzeszow (2 vps, 3 vps others). Names: Nowy Sącz, Tarnów and Rzeszów (Pol). Neu Sandez, Tarnau (Ger) and couldn't find Rzeszów in German. Novy Sonch, Tarnov, Zheshuv (Rus). Lwow: add Drohobycz (2 vps). Names: Drohobych (Ukr) Drohobycz (Pol), Drohobytsch (Ger), Drogobych (Rus). Stanislawow: add Tarnopol (2 vps). Names: Ternopil (Ukr), Tarnopol (Pol, Ger), Ternopol (Rus). Volyn: add Lutsk, Kovel and Sarny (2 vps, 2 vps, 1 vp). Names: Lutske (Ukr), Lutsk (Rus) Łuck (Pol). Kovel (Ukr, Rus), Kowel (Pol). Sarny (Ukr, Pol, Rus). Polesia: move Kobryn slightly to the west, as it's closer to Brest than Pinsk (I guess it's so far because of possible overlap, however I think it can be slightly moved).

1 - Poland, Galicia, Volyn and Polissia

2 - Kielce

3 - Polesia

(On my second map below railways aren't shown because of how HOI4 fades them when out of focus) Stanislawow add Kolomyja (2 vps). Names: Kolomyia (Ukr), Kołomyja (Pol), Kolomea (Ger), Kolomyya (Rus). Proskurov: add Shepetovka, Kamenets-Podolskiy (2 vps both). Names: Shepetivka, Kamianets-Podilskyi (Ukr), Shepetovka, Kamenets-Podolskiy (Rus). Move Proskurov and appropriate railway on the right bank of the Southern Bug river, as the railway station was (and is) located there at the time. Zhitomir: add Korosten and Berdichev (2 vps both). Names: Korosten (Ukr, Rus), Berdychiv (Ukr), Berdichev (Rus). Kiev: add Belaya Tserkov (3 vps). Names: Bila Tserkva (Ukr), Belaya Tserkov (Rus). Cherkasy: add Uman (3 vps). Names: Uman (Ukr, Rus). Move Elysavet (modern-day Kropyvnytsky, Кропивницький) westward. Move the railway to "touch" the city still, if province is changed. Nikolaev: add Olviopol (2 vps). Names: Olviopil (Ukr), Olviopol (Rus). Odessa: add Podolsk (2 vps). Names: Podilske (Ukr), Podolsk (Rus). Bessarabia: add Balti (3 vps). Names: Bălți (Rom), Biltsi (Ukr), Beltsy (Rus). Create a Level 1 Railway from Mogilev to Balti that would connect with the tile south of Balti. Chernigov: add Nyezhyn and Priluki (2 vps both). Names: Nizhyn, Pryluky (Ukr), Nyezhyn, Priluki (Rus). Move railway on the Northwestern tile to Nizhyn, create a Level 1 railway from Nizhyn to Chernihiv. Poltava: add Kremenchug, Mirgorod and Lubny (4 vps, 1 vp, 2 vps). Names: Kremenchuk, Myrhorod, Lubny (Ukr), Kremenchug, Mirgorod, Lubny (Rus). Create a level 1 railway from Poltava through Kremenchuk to tile currently north of Elysavet. Katerinoslav: add Kamenskoye (2 vps). Names: Kamianske (Ukr), Kamenskoye (Rus). Taurida: add Skadovsk, Kakhovka (1 vp). Names: Skadovske (Ukr), Skadovsk (Rus), Kakhovka (Ukr, Rus). Crimea: add Simferopol, Dzhankoy (8 vps, 1 vp). Names: Simferopil, Dzhankoi (Ukr), Simferopol, Dzhankoy (Rus), Simferopol, Canköy (Tur). Reroute the railway to pass through Dzhankoi. Aleksandrovsk: Add Melitopol and Byerdyansk (2 vps both). Names: Melitopil, Berdianske (Ukr), Melitopol, Byerdyansk (Rus). Kharkov: add Kupyansk and Lozovaya (2 vps, 3 vps). Names: Kupianske, Lozova (Ukr), Kupyansk, Lozovaya (Rus). Yuzovka: add Kramatorsk (2 vps). Names: Kramatorske (Ukr), Kramatorsk (Rus). Add a level 1 railway to connect Yuzovka's Supply Hub with Kharkiv's Southernmost railway tile through Kramatorsk. Starobyelsk: add Svatovo (1 vp). Names: Svatove (Ukr), Svatovo (Rus).

EDIT 1: (fixed) change Ukrainian name for Vinnitsa VP from VYnnytsia to VInnytsia. State is actually named correctly.

4 - Rest of Ukraine

5 - Kropyvnytsky

File I used for Railways, maybe it will be useful in the future (assuming you don't have it already). 0 - Ukrainian railways.svg.pdf

IlliaYanchuk commented 10 months ago

I made one final edit to the ticket since now it is being looked into. Just in case, I'll add that implementing all the changes is more of a best-case scenario, I understand that Ukraine would have unproportionally many VPs and that some of those I suggest are quite minor. Thank you for looking into it and for developing the mod in general!