KaotoIO / kaoto

Next version of the UI of the Kaoto project
Apache License 2.0
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apache-camel camel camel-k camel-q components connectors editor eip integration integration-flow jbang low-code no-code quarkus spring-boot visualisation visualization yaml


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Visual Editor for Apache Camel

Documentation | Workshops | Contribute | Chat

# Kaoto Kaoto is a visual editor for Apache Camel integrations. It offers support in creating and editing Camel Routes, Kamelets and Pipes. Kaoto also has a built-in catalog with available Camel components, Enterprise Integration Patterns and Kamelets provided by the Apache Camel community. Have a quick look at our online demo instance: https://kaotoio.github.io/kaoto/ ## Table of Contents - [Requirements](#requirements) - [Getting Started](#getting-started) - [Clone the Repository](#clone-the-repository) - [Install Dependencies](#install-dependencies) - [Running kaoto with Docker](#running-kaoto-with-docker) - [Development](#development) - [Web Application](#web-application) - [Run](#run) - [Build](#build) - [Public Components](#public-components) - [How to do a release](/RELEASE.md) - [Camel Catalog and Supporting Schemas](#camel-catalog-and-supporting-schemas) - [Storybook](#storybook) ## Requirements - NodeJS (v18.x or higher) [+info](https://nodejs.org/en) - Yarn (v3.x or higher) [+info](https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install) - OpenJDK (v21 or higher) [+info](https://developers.redhat.com/products/openjdk/download) _For more information on Vite, check [Vite's documentation](https://vitejs.dev/config/)._ ## Getting Started ### Clone the Repository First, clone the repository to your local machine. ```sh git clone https://github.com/KaotoIO/kaoto ``` ### Install Dependencies Navigate to the cloned directory and install the necessary packages. ```sh cd kaoto yarn install ``` _Note: By default, `@kaoto/camel-catalog` will also be built using the `mvn` wrapper._ ## Running kaoto with Docker For trial purposes, there is a docker image that can be run locally: ```sh docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 --name kaoto quay.io/kaotoio/kaoto-app:main ``` ## Development ### Web Application #### Run To start the development server, execute the following command: ```sh yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto run start ``` The application will be accessible at `http://localhost:5173` by default. #### Build To build the web application, execute: ```sh yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto run build ``` ### Public Components To build the public components, execute: ```sh yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto run build:lib ``` ## Camel Catalog and Supporting Schemas To build the Camel Catalog and the supporting schemas, run: ```sh yarn workspace @kaoto/camel-catalog run build ``` _Optional: You can update the Camel version in the `pom.xml` file and then run the build command again._ ## Storybook To view the storybook stories, go to [Chromatic](https://main--64ef22df8bb709ffa98c7a47.chromatic.com/). The stories are built for non-Dependabot pull requests and the link to storybook generated for PR is linked once the storybook is published. You can learn more about how to create a story for your UI component [here](https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/writing-stories/introduction). To run Storybook locally: ``` bash # first build the ui library yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto build:lib # run the storybook yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto-tests storybook ``` To publish to Chromatic: `yarn workspace @kaoto/kaoto-tests chromatic`