KasperskyLab / Kaspresso

Android UI test framework
Apache License 2.0
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allure support dependency issue #341

Closed 1YaHo01 closed 2 years ago

1YaHo01 commented 2 years ago

Hello! i try to add allure-support into my project , but it's no works according to https://github.com/KasperskyLab/Kaspresso/blob/master/wiki/09_Kaspresso-Allure.md i've add to my build.gradle dependencies

dependencies {


androidTestImplementation "com.kaspersky.android-components:kaspresso-allure-support:1.4.0"

androidTestImplementation "com.kaspersky.android-components:kaspresso:1.4.0"

gradle project is synced

but when i try to create class and start coding it shows unresolved reference error (test class under the androidTest folder) image

i've tried clean project , rebuilt and etc. but it still no working (

Can you please help me ?

matzuk commented 2 years ago

@RuslanMingaliev need your help

sergio-sastre commented 2 years ago

@1YaHo01 While fixing this issue, you can use Kaspresso and Allure 1.3.0 dependencies It is not missing there.

matzuk commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone! We are working on this problem. Currently, there is a small hack to work around the issue. Just copy-paste ComposeSupportKaspressoBuilder.kt and AllureSupportKaspressoBuilder.kt classes into your project keeping package naming. It'll give you the same functionality and allow you to use compose or allure support.