Closed deepcoder closed 1 year ago
Might try to upgrade Tasmota to 11.0 and see if that helps. Also maybe try doing a reset command in case there's some weird settings issue. Make sure WifiPower is 17 or less. Maybe turn down WifiPower to like 14 to see if that makes a difference. I'll let you know if I think of anything else to try.
I don't think you're going to get much better logging even if you soldered wires to the TX output to get logging that way. These show a watchdog timer reset and the call chain. Someone who has experience debugging Tasmota could probably help figure out what code is running at those addresses. Might give you a clue about what's going wrong.
19:22:40.105 MQT: tele/tasmota_EBC7B8/INFO3 = {"Info3":{"RestartReason":{"Exception":3,"Reason":"Exception","EPC":["4027264e","00000000","00000000"],"EXCVADDR":"40272676","DEPC":"00000000","CallChain":["40105c7c","40105c79","400005e1","40255ea1","40266c47","40000f68","40000f58","401011da","40100a50","40100a71","402738a0","402738ad","402738f2","4024b418","40000f49","40000f49","40000f49","40000e19","40105a7d","40105a83","4010000d","4026c334","4026c2e5","401058c5","401054aa","40104df9","401053ad","40105685","4010394e","4000050c","40100a50"]}}}
I have TasoAdmin v1.8.0 running in a docker container on a Ubuntu 20 x86_64 machine. When I leave the app open to the devices page, about once every 20 to 30 minutes the Kauf Plug I am testing crashes. If I close the TasoAdmin page, the problem stops. I'm not seeing this issue on any other of my tasmota devices, including a number of plug devices.
I'm not sure how to capture the before events better, but this is what I have if I leave the console open for the plug. Let me know how I can capture better data.
10.1.0(tasmota) on Plug.