Kayno0o / vibrant-glass-theme

I made this theme for myself at first, but some friends found it cool, so I decided to share it here.
MIT License
14 stars 80 forks source link

Addon broken and at risk of being removed from the BetterDiscord site. #11

Open itmesarah opened 8 months ago

itmesarah commented 8 months ago

A few issues with the theme, all classes are outdated and the link on the site 404's when attempting to go to it due to the /'s in the url. This is just a heads up that if no changes are made in the coming months, your addon will be removed and will need to be updated and resubmitted to be on the site again.

Kayno0o commented 8 months ago

I already sent a mail to the support about the slashes in the name, I can't even edit the name, I get a 404 too. About classes, I'll work on it.

itmesarah commented 8 months ago

Oh, another thing to note while you're fixing the css, consider moving the background image and any other images away from a discord cdn link, those expire after 7-14 days now and will have to constantly be re-fetched to the latest url.