KenshiDRK / XiView

FFXI UI & Icon Changes
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idk if this is the right place to ask this. Any Chance of 21:9 Support? #2

Open aaceace opened 4 years ago

aaceace commented 4 years ago

I just started playing FFXI for the first time this week. I play on a Ultrawide Monitor (21:9) resolution. When I use the 16:9 The fonts look very stretched out. I've gotten the game to look great but the UI still looks a bit stretched out. Any help would be appreciated.

KenshiDRK commented 4 years ago

this is really hard to do. The game sets the fonts and other ui images by pixel position, which make it really difficult to fix. Are you using the config plugin, with a correct aspect ratio?

aaceace commented 4 years ago

sorry for the newbish questions. I'm new to FFXI I've only been playing for a few days. I'm using Windower4 and Yeah I have the Config addon. I believe the config addon automatically sets the aspect ratio based on the resolution. I currently Play at 2560x1080 which is considered Ultrawide (21:9).

aaceace commented 4 years ago

Here's an Example on How Stretched out the Fonts Are. pol 2020-03-13 21-44-39

KenshiDRK commented 4 years ago

Yea, but I don't even know if it can even be fixed

TwistedAx commented 2 years ago

dunno if this will help any, not sure where i found this, was some time ago in 2017~ ish. Ultrawide

holy cow necro bump didnt even notice that lol