Open Khandagale-Saurabh opened 1 year ago
Q]Without sharing: it work as system mode with sharing : it work as user mode inheriate sharing : child class will inherite parent sharing rule if they have eg: in class apex we have acess to hundred record but then user only have acess to 2 record then we get output as 2 record in with sharing.
but in without sharin we will get all 100 records
Q] @testSetup: we will have global test case where we can test this data for each method so no need to create seprate test case for each function.
test stop: to make code asynchronus code to synchronouse eg: if we execute future method it will not execute immeditly so test.stop() will make code syncrounse so that functure method will execute immedityly test start: to avoid governer limt
Q] Have done any bulk api integration. we are handling bulk data through app script . We connected org to google sheet and where we write code to export data from excel to org.
Q] Queue vs Public group Queue is use for ownership and if some condition match then with help of assignment rule we change owner of record, it is use with lead, knowled article,...only for some object
Public group is use for recoed sharing
Q] role vs profile r]what user can see /recoed levele acess p] what user can do have object level acess
r] ist not compolsory p] it is compolsoary for all user
Local : inside method or constructore Instance : outside mehtod but inside class Static: static variable can be acess with classname.variable name without creating any object.
Global : is use when we have diffrent namespace/ package and we want them to be use by other. mailny i have use when i have to work with intergation example: how check my knowledge : i try to exaplin you suppose we have 2 package 1] SchoolA 2]SchoolB now if i want to share resources of schoolA with schoolB then we use globa varibale
Public is acciable within same namespace only
Import link q]. A]
Difference Between Deactivate User and Freeze User in Salesforce => devative licence use krsaket / e cannot delete user in sfdc so we deactivate => freez=> we cannot use user licnce