Kiara-Dev-Team / awesome-accessible-math

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What & Why we do - drat #1

Open daijapan opened 2 months ago

daijapan commented 2 months ago

Here is the rewritten text with improved grammar and vocabulary:


Hello everyone, I'm thrilled to talk about my passion for mathematics and my goal to make it more accessible to everyone. As a mathematician, I believe that math should be fun and exciting, not just a bunch of abstract concepts.


I was inspired to create a more accessible math platform because I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn and enjoy math, regardless of their background or skill level. I want to make math more relatable and engaging, using analogies and examples that people can understand.

Target Audience

My target audience is anyone who wants to learn math, from beginners to experienced mathematicians. I believe that math should be a tool for everyone, not just a select few.


To achieve my goal, I plan to use a variety of methods, including analogies, examples, and interactive tools. I also plan to collaborate with other mathematicians and educators to ensure that my platform is accurate and effective.

Key Features

Some key features of my platform include:


My ultimate goal is to make math more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. I believe that by making math more relatable and engaging, we can inspire a new generation of mathematicians and problem-solvers.


I believe that math should be a tool for everyone, not just a select few. By making math more accessible and engaging, we can inspire a new generation of mathematicians and problem-solvers.

daijapan commented 2 months ago

Based on this concept, the idea to develop a knowledge base focused on unsolved problems, abstract algebra, pure logic, and the lives of mathematicians is outlined as follows:

Purpose of the Knowledge Base

daijapan commented 2 months ago




  1. 記事とレビュー:

    • 深いテーマごとに専門家が執筆した詳細な記事やレビュー。
    • 学術誌や研究レポートへのリンクを含む、信頼性の高い情報源からの内容。
  2. インタビューとドキュメンタリー:

    • 数学者や研究者とのインタビューを通じて、その日常や研究の挑戦に迫る。
    • 数学の大きな問題や概念を掘り下げるビデオドキュメンタリー。
  3. インタラクティブな学習ツール:

    • 抽象代数や論理学を学ぶためのインタラクティブなチュートリアルと問題解決ツール。
    • 論理パズルや数学ゲームを通じて楽しく学べるコンテンツ。
  4. フォーラムとディスカッションボード:

    • 研究者、教育者、学生が交流し、知識を共有するためのプラットフォーム。
    • 未解決問題や理論的な疑問について議論する専門的なスレッド。

