Kiatra / ChocolateBar

ChocolateBar is a World of Warcraft addons to display plugins in a bar on top or bottom of your screen
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Dragonflight pre-patch - Can't drag modules #19

Closed fraerie closed 1 year ago

fraerie commented 1 year ago

Can't drag to reorder modules

Have applied the jostle fix in other issue.

When trying to move a plug in - the texture for the 'drag icon onto button to select action' window stays until you do a reload.

fraerie commented 1 year ago

Getting this error today - I think it's related to the same issue

16x bad argument #3 to '?' (Usage: local texture = self:CreateTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel])) [string "=[C]"]: in function CreateTexture' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Core.lua"]:586: in function <Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Core.lua:580> [string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Core.lua"]:593: in functionGetPointer' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Bar.lua"]:390: in function Drag' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/DragAndDrop.lua"]:74: in functionStart' [string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua"]:343: in function <Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua:316>

Locals: (*temporary) = "bad argument #3 to '?' (Usage: local texture = self:CreateTexture([name, drawLayer, templateName, subLevel]))"

Zwixx commented 1 year ago

Opened #22. This fix all my Problems with the Patch

Kiatra commented 1 year ago

Fixed with v3.9