KichangKim / DeepDanbooru

AI based multi-label girl image classification system, implemented by using TensorFlow.
MIT License
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Help deploying locally #99

Closed MarisaCodes closed 6 months ago

MarisaCodes commented 1 year ago

Hi. I stumbled upon this project an year ago but I only knew very basic programming back then so I was never able to touch this. Later on I learned web development both javascript and python. I did a bit of AI but nothing advanced, just MNIST type exercises and common basic stuff. I git cloned this repo several times, created a venv and installed the required packages using pip but I just don't know how to go from that to using the $ deepdanbooru evaluate cli tool. I also don't really want to use the cli only, I also want to execute this model from another .py file but I really don't know how to get started. Can anyone experienced with this please help?

I know the setup steps should be simple but I am missing something for sure. I tried to execute build but I just got a build folder with code exactly the same as what I cloned.

Please help with the local setup I will be immensely grateful!!!

PS: I am running Ubuntu Linux WSL1 with Windows 10

fenfenyangyangmate commented 11 months ago

I saw a blog based on a modified version before, but I'm not sure if it's what you want. It may require you to use translation software and an old version of Deepdooru

MarisaCodes commented 6 months ago

I was out of my depth but it's very simple:

import keras
from keras import losses

# constants for ddv3
ddv3path = "./dd/model-resnet_custom_v3.h5" # downloaded from releases
ddv3tagspath = "./dd/tags.txt"
ddv3chartagspath = "./dd/tags-character.txt"

# constants for ddv4
ddv4path = "./ddv4/model-resnet_custom_v4.h5"# downloaded from releases
ddv4tagspath = "./ddv4/tags.txt"
ddv4chartagspath = "./ddv4/tags-character.txt"

dd: keras.Model = keras.models.load_model(ddv3path)

config = dd.get_config()  # Returns pretty much every information about your model
print(config["layers"][0]["config"]["batch_input_shape"]) # -> (None, 512, 512, 3)

print(dd.summary()) # ...

The only challenging part is processing the image but this repo already offers two functions in the images/ directory.

I have more questions though...

I saw a blog based on a modified version before, but I'm not sure if it's what you want. It may require you to use translation software and an old version of Deepdooru

What version of deepdanbooru release is used in the onnx?

And what version is used in the demo site linked in this repo? (

There is a discrepancy between the newest release and the site. I tested a Sugiura Ayano pic and a Kizuna Ai pic but they had a weak score for the character tags, the demo website got them right with a threshold of >0.5. I beg for more up to date releases as my 4gb potato is not capable of training these models. I might look into collab but I don't know if I can train on a massive dataset there. Pls keep the releases up to date if it is possible!!!

Edit: Turns out a part of the discrepancy was me compiling the model. Using the images/ functions from this repo also doesn't work nicely with the results so I instead I did:

def my_reshape(img:cv2.typing.MatLike):
    resized = tf.image.resize_with_pad(img,512,512)
    return tf.reshape(resized,(1,512,512,3))

which gives better prediction accuracy. I still have a small issue with the model not being up to date though I hope we can get newer releases. I am closing this issue as everything is resolved.

EDIT 2: Okay, tensorflow's resize with pad function is a bit horrible sometimes from personal experience (using pyplot reveals the horror). So instead I came up with my own resize_to_square function using cv2, it also adds padding and preserves aspect ratio:

def resize_to_square(img, size, pad_color=(0, 0, 0)):
    w,h = img.shape[1], img.shape[0]
    if w > h:
        aspect_ratio = h / w
        new_h = round(aspect_ratio * size)
        padding = size - new_h
        top, bottom = padding // 2, padding - padding // 2
        return cv2.copyMakeBorder(cv2.resize(img, (size, new_h)), top=top,
        bottom=bottom, left=0, right=0, value=pad_color, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)
    elif w < h:
        aspect_ratio = w / h
        new_w = int(round(aspect_ratio * size))
        padding = size - new_w
        left, right = padding // 2, padding - padding // 2
        return cv2.copyMakeBorder(cv2.resize(img, (new_w, size)), top=0,
        bottom=0, left=left, right=right, value=pad_color, borderType=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT)

    return cv2.resize(img, (size, size))

And now that sugiura ayano pic is actually evaluated correctly and her name shows up in the tags with >0.5 threshold.