KilimoGuard Backend
KilimoGuard is an innovative Pest Prediction and Management System designed to address the escalating threat of plant and crop pests in East Africa. Leveraging historical data and real-time environmental factors, KilimoGuard provides accurate predictions of potential pest outbreaks, enabling proactive decision-making and sustainable pest management practices.
- Predictive Analytics: Utilizes machine learning models to predict pest outbreaks.
- Real-Time Monitoring: Collects and analyzes real-time environmental data to provide timely alerts.
- User-Friendly Interface: Accessible via mobile and web applications with intuitive design.
- Actionable Insights: Offers recommendations for optimal pest management and sustainable farming practices.
Directory Description
- kilimo_guard/: This is where the application logic is written. Contains all API end point for Kilimo Guard.
- kilimo_project/: This is the main project directory which contains the settings and configuration for the entire Django project.
- media/: This directory is used to store custom files such the datasets for the AI model and user-uploaded files.
- static/: This directory is for storing static files such as CSS, JavaScript, and images
- .env: This file contains environment variables for the project, such as database credentials, secret keys, and other configuration settings that shouldn't be hard-coded in the codebase.
- .env_example: A sample environment file to show what kind of environment variables are needed. It's a template for creating the
- .gitignore: This file specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore. For instance, it would typically include the virtual environment directory, compiled code, and other files that shouldn't be committed to version control.
- db.sqlite3: This is the SQLite database file for the project. SQLite is a lightweight database included with Python and is often used for development and testing.
- A command-line utility that lets you interact with this Django project in various ways. You can use it to run the server, create apps, run tests, and more.
- Procfile: Configuration file for deployment.
- A markdown file that typically contains an introduction to the project, how to set it up, usage instructions, and other relevant information.
- requirements.txt: This file lists all the Python packages that your project depends on. It can be used to install all the dependencies using
pip install -r requirements.txt
- This is a shell script to start the application in development environment.
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd kilimoGuard_Backend
- Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv virtual
source virtual/bin/activate
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the application:
python runserver
or you could use the bash script after making it executable once by running the command:- chmod a+x After that you can run the command below any time to start the project.
- Access the application through your web browser at
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request with your changes.