KittyCAD / modeling-app

The KittyCAD modeling app.
MIT License
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Add client state to coredump #2338

Closed dshaw closed 5 months ago

dshaw commented 6 months ago

This issue extends #1573 and captures the details needed to complete the implementation.

Client state needed to understand the state of the modeling-app front end is contained within several singletons and xstate machines. Most of the entries in coredump so far have been relatively flat. None of these will be flat and some might have arbitrary structures. Some state might need to be excluded in the dump, like TOKEN in Auth. For excluded data that’s provides critical insights into whether the app should be functional, we may want to include a data validation like isValidToken: boolean.

Proposed structure

"client_state": {
    "kcl_manager": {},
    "scene_infra": {},
    "engine_command_manager": {},
    "modeling_machine": {},
    "settings_machine": {},
    "auth_machine": {},
    "home_machine": {},
    "command_bar_machine": {}
dshaw commented 6 months ago

Uses #2316 as a part of its test fixture.

dshaw commented 6 months ago

Add fileMachine.

dshaw commented 6 months ago

@Irev-Dev @franknoirot Currently dumping ast and kclErrors from kclManager. What other properties from kclManager would be useful for debugging?

Screenshot 2024-05-28 at 11 29 42 AM

dshaw commented 6 months ago

Sample output of SceneInfra (client_state.scene_infra) using a full object copy from

```json "scene_infra": { "_baseUnit": "mm", "_baseUnitMultiplier": 1, "_theme": "dark", "callbacks": [], "currentMouseVector": { "x": 0.3474999999999999, "y": 0.13108614232209737 }, "extraSegmentTexture": { "metadata": { "version": 4.6, "type": "Texture", "generator": "Texture.toJSON" }, "uuid": "978ef02c-edf2-4c99-bfc6-7ed5bf33afac", "name": "", "image": "e41ecf0b-5e4e-4688-84e4-81a1f0bf18d1", "mapping": 300, "channel": 0, "repeat": [1, 1], "offset": [0, 0], "center": [0, 0], "rotation": 0, "wrap": [1001, 1001], "format": 1023, "internalFormat": null, "type": 1009, "colorSpace": "", "minFilter": 1008, "magFilter": 1006, "anisotropy": 16, "flipY": true, "generateMipmaps": true, "premultiplyAlpha": false, "unpackAlignment": 4 }, "fov": 45, "fovBeforeAnimate": 45, "hoveredObject": null, "isFovAnimationInProgress": false, "isPerspective": true, "lastMouseState": { "type": "idle" }, "mouseDownVector": null, "overlayThrottleMap": {}, "overlayTimeout": 99, "planeRaycaster": { "ray": { "origin": { "x": 0, "y": -1250, "z": 580 }, "direction": { "x": 0.652600256511068, "y": 0.7035977870134367, "z": -0.28118154155542124 } }, "near": 0, "far": null, "camera": { "metadata": { "version": 4.6, "type": "Object", "generator": "Object3D.toJSON" }, "object": { "uuid": "7b172ca4-d344-4916-b603-0149d54b64b5", "type": "PerspectiveCamera", "layers": 5, "matrix": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.42089661952487656, 0.9071086129414335, 0, 0, -0.9071086129414335, 0.42089661952487656, 0, -4, -9.970947, 9.018494, 1 ], "up": [0, 0.42089807143928004, 0.90710795122232], "fov": 45, "zoom": 1, "near": 1.428421019811302, "far": 28.568420396226042, "focus": 10, "aspect": 5.992509363295881, "filmGauge": 35, "filmOffset": 0 } }, "layers": { "mask": 3 }, "params": { "Mesh": {}, "Line": { "threshold": 1 }, "LOD": {}, "Points": { "threshold": 1 }, "Sprite": {} } }, "raycaster": { "ray": { "origin": { "x": 0, "y": -1250, "z": 580 }, "direction": { "x": 0.6628844796611507, "y": 0.6965914249471351, "z": -0.2744896233275232 } }, "near": 0, "far": null, "camera": { "metadata": { "version": 4.6, "type": "Object", "generator": "Object3D.toJSON" }, "object": { "uuid": "7b172ca4-d344-4916-b603-0149d54b64b5", "type": "PerspectiveCamera", "layers": 5, "matrix": [ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.42089661952487656, 0.9071086129414335, 0, 0, -0.9071086129414335, 0.42089661952487656, 0, -4, -9.970947, 9.018494, 1 ], "up": [0, 0.42089807143928004, 0.90710795122232], "fov": 45, "zoom": 1, "near": 1.428421019811302, "far": 28.568420396226042, "focus": 10, "aspect": 5.992509363295881, "filmGauge": 35, "filmOffset": 0 } }, "layers": { "mask": 4 }, "params": { "Mesh": {}, "Line": { "threshold": 1 }, "LOD": {}, "Points": { "threshold": 1 }, "Sprite": {} } }, "renderer": { "isWebGLRenderer": true, "domElement": {}, "debug": { "checkShaderErrors": true, "onShaderError": null }, "autoClear": true, "autoClearColor": true, "autoClearDepth": true, "autoClearStencil": true, "sortObjects": true, "clippingPlanes": [], "localClippingEnabled": false, "_outputColorSpace": "srgb", "_useLegacyLights": false, "toneMapping": 0, "toneMappingExposure": 1, "capabilities": { "isWebGL2": true, "precision": "highp", "logarithmicDepthBuffer": false, "maxTextures": 16, "maxVertexTextures": 16, "maxTextureSize": 16384, "maxCubemapSize": 16384, "maxAttributes": 16, "maxVertexUniforms": 1024, "maxVaryings": 15, "maxFragmentUniforms": 1024, "vertexTextures": true, "maxSamples": 4 }, "extensions": {}, "properties": {}, "renderLists": {}, "shadowMap": { "enabled": false, "autoUpdate": true, "needsUpdate": false, "type": 1 }, "state": { "buffers": { "color": {}, "depth": {}, "stencil": {} } }, "info": { "memory": { "geometries": 0, "textures": 0 }, "render": { "frame": 144, "calls": 0, "triangles": 0, "points": 0, "lines": 0 }, "programs": [], "autoReset": true }, "xr": { "cameraAutoUpdate": true, "enabled": false, "isPresenting": false, "_listeners": { "sessionstart": [null], "sessionend": [null] } } }, "scene": { "metadata": { "version": 4.6, "type": "Object", "generator": "Object3D.toJSON" }, "object": { "uuid": "0fdb3038-d05c-4e41-9e32-a45650fce63f", "type": "Scene", "layers": 1, "matrix": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "up": [0, 1, 0], "children": [ { "uuid": "26da13b8-4d81-4e1b-8f78-a4a4f742e2c3", "type": "AmbientLight", "layers": 1, "matrix": [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], "up": [0, 1, 0], "color": 5263440, "intensity": 1 } ], "backgroundRotation": [0, 0, 0, "XYZ"], "environmentRotation": [0, 0, 0, "XYZ"] } }, "selected": null } ```
dshaw commented 6 months ago

@Irev-Dev @franknoirot Now that I have some of the higher level structs in Rustland accepting flexible JavaScript objects, I can go back and reimplement kclManager to include similar fidelity to SceneInfra. I just have to delete some of the struct definitions and convert things to simply use serde_json::Value.

dshaw commented 6 months ago

Current status of client_state

```json { "engine_command_manager": { "artifact_map": { "04cf5278-5df5-4183-a536-f9d0a8e70a3c": { "type": "result", "range": [0, 0], "pathToNode": [], "commandType": "make_plane", "data": { "type": "empty" }, "raw": { "success": true, "request_id": "18f8cca6-89ac-4311-b68a-867996cd03e2", "resp": { "type": "modeling", "data": { "modeling_response": { "type": "empty" } } } } }, "72216326-cc46-4a8c-9b31-98f4819c01ee": { "type": "result", "range": [0, 0], "pathToNode": [], "commandType": "make_plane", "data": { "type": "empty" }, "raw": { "success": true, "request_id": "18f8cca6-89ac-4311-b68a-867996cd03e2", "resp": { "type": "modeling", "data": { "modeling_response": { "type": "empty" } } } } }, "782416ee-b79f-454d-ace3-d80c0f2b8770": { "type": "result", "range": [0, 0], "pathToNode": [], "commandType": "make_plane", "data": { "type": "empty" }, "raw": { "success": true, "request_id": "18f8cca6-89ac-4311-b68a-867996cd03e2", "resp": { "type": "modeling", "data": { "modeling_response": { 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"nonCodeMeta": { "nonCodeNodes": { "0": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 375, "end": 437, "value": { "type": "inlineComment", "value": "The length of the bracket holding up the shelf is 6 inches", "style": "line" } } ], "1": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 458, "end": 487, "value": { "type": "inlineComment", "value": "the length of the bracket", "style": "line" } }, { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 487, "end": 490, "value": { "type": "newLine" } }, { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 490, "end": 571, "value": { "type": "blockComment", "value": "Define constants required to calculate the thickness needed to support 300 lbs", "style": "line" } } ], "2": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 596, "end": 603, "value": { "type": "inlineComment", "value": "psi", "style": "line" } } ], "3": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 619, "end": 627, "value": { "type": "inlineComment", "value": "inch", "style": "line" } } ], "4": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 641, "end": 665, "value": { 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"type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 993, "end": 1041, "value": { "type": "newLineBlockComment", "value": "Sketch the bracket and extrude with fillets", "style": "line" } } ] }, "start": [ { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 0, "end": 16, "value": { "type": "blockComment", "value": "Shelf Bracket", "style": "line" } }, { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 17, "end": 316, "value": { "type": "blockComment", "value": "This is a shelf bracket made out of 6061-T6 aluminum sheet metal. The required thickness is calculated based on a point load of 300 lbs applied to the end of the shelf. There are two brackets holding up the shelf, so the moment experienced is divided by 2. The shelf is 1 foot long from the wall.", "style": "line" } }, { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 316, "end": 319, "value": { "type": "newLine" } }, { "type": "NonCodeNode", "start": 319, "end": 353, "value": { "type": "blockComment", "value": "Define our bracket feet lengths", "style": "line" } } ] } }, "kcl_errors": [] }, "scene_infra": { "_baseUnit": "mm", "_baseUnitMultiplier": 1, "_theme": "dark", "callbacks": [], "currentMouseVector": { "x": 0.3474999999999999, "y": 0.13108614232209737 }, "extraSegmentTexture": { "metadata": { "version": 4.6, "type": "Texture", "generator": "Texture.toJSON" }, "uuid": "978ef02c-edf2-4c99-bfc6-7ed5bf33afac", "name": "", "image": "e41ecf0b-5e4e-4688-84e4-81a1f0bf18d1", "mapping": 300, "channel": 0, "repeat": [1, 1], "offset": [0, 0], "center": [0, 0], "rotation": 0, "wrap": [1001, 1001], "format": 1023, "internalFormat": null, "type": 1009, "colorSpace": "", "minFilter": 1008, "magFilter": 1006, "anisotropy": 16, "flipY": true, "generateMipmaps": 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@jessfraz How attached are we to making everything snake_case? Since I'm pulling the just pass me JSON escape hatch, I'm no longer coercing everything to snake_case in Rust. A quick scroll through the data above will display many instances of keys left in camelCase from the JavaScript side of things. If maintaining snake_case is important for our final object, I can update the keys in the TypeScript processing.

jessfraz commented 6 months ago

super not attached ahaha even if we made a parser we could alias what we needed to make it work, its just internal use anyways

dshaw commented 6 months ago

Cool, I won't prioritize.

dshaw commented 6 months ago

Before I rip open XState, does anyone want to add any of the following singletons to coredump?

      // TODO: /src/lib/singletons.ts also defines the following singletons
      // sceneEntitiesManager
        'CoreDump: TODO? sceneEntitiesManager',
      // editorManager
        'CoreDump: TODO? editorManager',
      // enableMousePositionLogs
        'CoreDump: TODO? enableMousePositionLogs',
franknoirot commented 6 months ago

@Irev-Dev @franknoirot Currently dumping ast and kclErrors from kclManager. What other properties from kclManager would be useful for debugging?

@Irev-Dev will know better than me, but my thoughts are:

  1. isExecuting
  2. logs
  3. programMemory
  4. wasmInitFailed
Irev-Dev commented 6 months ago

Yeah I was going to mention programMemory

franknoirot commented 6 months ago

I'll be a bit more helpful on the XState set than I will be with the singletons. Getting access to each machine's state will be a matter of:

  1. destructuring it off of a call to the corresponding use<insertMachineName>Context()
  2. getting the current state machine node name with state.value and the event that brought us here with state.event
  3. getting the current stored values of the context (probably, unless we're maxed out on space) with state.context

For example:

const { state: modelingState } = useModelingContext()
const modelingDataToSend = {
  value: modelingState.value,
  event: modelingState.event,
  context: modelingState.context,
dshaw commented 6 months ago

I'll be a bit more helpful on the XState set than I will be with the singletons. Getting access to each machine's state will be a matter of...

Thank you, @franknoirot. This is really helpful. I had punched my way into XState internals at one point during my testing, but __xstate__ is no longer showing up on global.

Thanks for showing me the right way to access the reference. I was about to hit you up for this, so your timing is impeccable.

franknoirot commented 6 months ago

No sweat @dshaw! Just know that the use<insertMachineName>Context() function call is a React hook, so will only be available from within a React component. I think wherever the coredump.getClientState() gets called from React is where you can safely queue up all your XState context calls, and maybe it's best to pass them or their already-processed data into getClientState? However you want, just want you to know you can't call those hooks from outside a React component.

dshaw commented 6 months ago

@franknoirot I think we might need to add some plumbing to the various machines so they each share the data we need with coredump given XState's data privacy. Given that, I think I might land the singleton portion of the code first to limit the surface area of these changes.

Irev-Dev commented 6 months ago
dshaw commented 6 months ago

Coredump of all singletons have landed in The size of the JSON we're producing is now significantly larger than the initial implementation, so the data can no longer be urlencode and pass to GitHub. It needs to be uploaded similar to how we upload screenshots.

One of my favorite commits as I prepare to land coredump was deleting all the Rust structs I had to build out before getting ts-rs upgraded to 8.1 and patched since it is the implementation I had in mind when I began working on this.

I got hung up on some rust stuff that I'll try resolve on Thursday, 2024-05-30 with @paultag.

Last but not least, I want to get a Playwright/e2e test in to accompany the PR.

dshaw commented 5 months ago

Completed Rust upload implementation in

See demo of final upload in