KitwareMedical / tensorboard-plugin-3d
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Toggle Label and Image is toggling both #65

Closed GiudiceVitor closed 1 year ago

GiudiceVitor commented 1 year ago

When you press on the "eye" indicator to toggle on/off the label and the imagem, it is toggling both, not just the one you press. I expected that when I press to toggle the label, the imagem would continue to show, but instead it also disapears.

bnmajor commented 1 year ago

Indeed, this is the behavior at this moment. Separating the label from the image in order to toggle on/off one at a time is a little tricky and is not something we currently support unfortunately. For now images and labels must be loaded separately if you wish to view them separately.

GiudiceVitor commented 1 year ago

Understood. Is there a way to plot 2 images in the same page to view them side by side, instead of of different pages?

bnmajor commented 1 year ago

Not at the moment, although we could add support for checkerboarding, which overlays two images on top of one another (with the option to adjust the blend between the two). I will open an issue for this but I am not sure how soon I will be able to get the updates in.

I am not sure if you need to use TensorBoard specifically but if you are just in need of visualization tools in your notebook you may want to consider itkwidgets in the meantime. This uses the same visualization backend but the pre-release channel has a lot of newer features that this plugin does not yet include, including blending images (you can download and try out the ThinPlateSpline example to see how this works).

GiudiceVitor commented 1 year ago

Great! Thanks for the insights :)