Klap-in / dokuwiki-plugin-bookcreator

Allow to select some pages and create a book (PDF, ODT or text)
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export pdfbook with attachments/media for off-line usage #105

Open vincentkersten opened 7 years ago

vincentkersten commented 7 years ago

Hello Klap-in/DW-ers, Here is a feature request: For my company I would need to create a book from a dokuwiki namespace(s) and be able to put this on DVD/stick/online.

https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki-plugin-dw2pdf/issues/148 and attached issue 151 describes the way partly, but in the end want to achieve something different.

I would like the book-creator have a setting in config ('export to off-line pdf' [x] ) which would

While i type this up, it seems this might be partially a job for dw2pdf?

Looking forward to your reaction,


Klap-in commented 3 years ago

Building the pdf export is indeed performed by the dw2pdf plugin. This kind of expanded export, with linking to attachments in a folder (probably zipped on download) should be implemented in dw2pdf. I'm wondering whether the internal/local links are working at all, my guess is that you do never know in the pdf in which folder you are? I'm right? Do these kind of links exist? I guess providing an example for the person who would build this for you is needed, at least. However, personally, I have no time for this kind of big projects.

vincentkersten commented 3 years ago

Thank you, Klap-in, for looking into this. At the time it seemed an idea to do this via dw2pdf. I tried the exported pdf/book and adjust stuff in acrobat, but got strung up in the relative links. I agree that this is a project needing a little more then just a ticket.

What i do think is a merit from the above, is that sometimes it is really better not not link back to the wiki (we have a login-only wiki) and be able to choose that.

Relative links to files and attachments are possible, but quite fragile. You could also do embedding these files and what not in the PDF, to make it more portable.

But i guess we had a very specific question here, a few years ago. We managed to work around this by using separate PDF files, and sending attachments seperately. Much less elegant.

If you like we could develop this a little further. Or leave it here for future generations to find it :)