Closed 7urboPitt closed 5 years ago
ccminer-x64.exe -a x17 -i 18 -o stratum+tcp:// -u DLv1sgQafBe1XPz7661PgnfNZuJrbyN9W9 -p x c=XVG pause
This is greek to me, what crashes out the miner ? ccminer-x64-2.2.5-cuda9 pakage for windows
can someone help me reduce the hyrogliff to algo coin in my pocket kind of stuff. driver Nvidia gpu's lots of n gtx 1070 windforce 8 gig cards 6 - 12 usually. also the text file dislexically say ccminer witch is not right command text file seems outdated or written for lost version somewhere on the net probably full of virusses by now. please amend instructions so that they are less misleading .
example on text file corrupt
windows crash out