Koheron / koheron-sdk

SDK for FPGA / Linux Instruments
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image for 1g koheron 250-4 #620

Open rsarwar87 opened 1 week ago

rsarwar87 commented 1 week ago

hi. is there a prebuilt image for koheron250-4 using 1gb som? i tried to build one, it did not work. :(

just the content of the /boot would be good..

best regards rashed

jeanminet commented 1 week ago

I merged #621 and built the image (not tested). You can download it here: https://assets.koheron.com/sdk/images/koheron-alpha250-4-1g_v0.24.zip

rsarwar87 commented 1 week ago

thank Jean, i will test it today and report back :)

rsarwar87 commented 1 week ago

sorry, that did not boot. same as the one we were trying to make.

i do have a working kernel, not sure when i made it, but it comes up with error: "cdns-i2c e0004000.i2c: timeout waiting on completion" probably a device tree error, so wanted to remake it.

this is a mars zx3, right? So i theory should be able to just make the kernel from their petalinux sources?

EDIT. e0004000 is disabled inside the device tree that the sdk currently is uusing

rsarwar87 commented 1 week ago

this entry is in spi.tcl for alpha250-1g make_bd_intf_pins_external [get_bd_intf_pins ps_0/IIC_0]

but it does not exist for alpha250-4-1g. are we using the iic for anything, maybe the eproom or something similar?

Screenshot from 2024-11-29 09-43-20

rsarwar87 commented 1 week ago

EDIT: solved the issue by adding exporting the pin and editing the port.xdc to change iic_0 to IIC_0

this is kernel 5.4.0-xilinx, made using koheron 2020.1 branch some the yesterday, but I needed to use a very boot.bin, which I don't remember when and I made it. so would be nice to investigate why the new FSBLs builds don't seem to work.