Konamiman / Nextor

A disk operating system for MSX computers, forked from MSX-DOS 2.31
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Easy install, with all tools and all help files #38

Open sdsnatcher opened 4 years ago

sdsnatcher commented 4 years ago

Nowadays, creating a new Nextor installation is a confusing process for new users, and I've seen them in trouble all the time.

Not only that, but with the files available at the official site, the user will end up with an incomplete installation that misses all the help files and DOS2 utilities like XCOPY, UNDEL, etc

I understand that when Nextor was originally released, it wasn't possible to distribute such files. But now we have Nishi's permission for doing it, so a complete Nextor installation would be welcome.

It could be just a simple ZIP file with all the necessary files organised in folders like the original DOS2 disks: The folders DOS, HELP, KHELP, APPS, UTILS, etc. All the user would have to do would be to decompress the ZIP file into his SD/CF card.

Also a DSK image could be distributed for floppy media. In this case, I suspect that the KHELP folder might have to be omitted to be able to fit everything in 720KB.

Here's a proposal for the folder structure and AUTOEXEC.BAT

1) Folder structure:

\DOS : All DOS2/Nextor own tools \HELP : English help files \KHELP : Japanese help files \APPS : Any DOS2/Nextor apps that need to be on the PATH \SCRIPTS : A nice place to put general .BAT files \UTILS : Complementary 3rd party utilities \TEMP : Temporary files


rem System Configuration
verify off
set BOOTDRV=%1
set TEMP=%1\TEMP
path %1\DOS;%1\SCRIPTS;%1\APPS;%1\UTILS
rem buffers 10
rem set TIMEZONE=-03:00

Rem Run TEST.BAT if it's present. Useful for MSX under maintenance when the
Rem keyboard cannot be connected.

gdx-msx commented 4 years ago

As for me, I put DOS2 utilities in the \DOS folder and also help files. I wrote below commands in my AUTOEXEC.BAT.

set HELP=\DOS\HELP set path=A:\ A:\DOS A:\TOOLS

I would like to add too the Japanese help files (by adding "set KHELP=\DOS\KHELP") but Nextor doesn't support it. KMODE command is also not supported like the MSX-DOS2 (we need go before under BASIC and entered CALL KANJI to use KMODE).

Konamiman commented 4 years ago

As for KHELP and KMODE, as far as I understand these are the concern of COMMAND2.COM, not the kernel or NEXTOR/MSXDOS2.SYS. Which version of COMMAND2.COM are you using? Do you have the seame issues when using the same COMMAND2.COM in MSX-DOS 2?

gdx-msx commented 4 years ago

I quickly tested today and my memory seems bad. KMODE not work at all under MSX-DOS2. Works under Nextor if I enter before _KANJI under BASIC. KHELP variable can't be modified, so KHELP folder must be always in root directory. In addition if I modify HELP variable to move it or use a translated version to another language, KHELP will be no longer be accessible.