KratosMultiphysics / Kratos

Kratos Multiphysics (A.K.A Kratos) is a framework for building parallel multi-disciplinary simulation software. Modularity, extensibility and HPC are the main objectives. Kratos has BSD license and is written in C++ with extensive Python interface.
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Issue with Self contact example #11314

Open danielesavio opened 1 year ago

danielesavio commented 1 year ago

Dear all,

I am getting started with Kratos, and am currently facing an issue / bug when trying to simulate the example case "Self contact" provided here:

I am using the latest Kratos Version (9.3) in this environment:

When trying to run the example, I get the following error message:

> ALM Values: The potential parameters for penalty and scale factor are:
> PENALTY SLAVE:  8.16817e+13     PENALTY MASTER: 8.16817e+13
> SCALE FACTOR SLAVE:     8.16817e+13     SCALE FACTOR MASTER:    8.16817e+13
> SCALE_FACTOR: : 8.17e+13
> INITIAL_PENALTY: : 8.17e+13
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Users\user\Desktop\self_contact\", line 19, in <module>
>     simulation.Run()
>   File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\KratosMultiphysics\", line 47, in Run
>     self.Initialize()
>   File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\KratosMultiphysics\StructuralMechanicsApplication\", line 42, in Initialize
>     super().Initialize()
>   File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\KratosMultiphysics\", line 91, in Initialize
>     process.ExecuteInitialize()
>   File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\KratosMultiphysics\ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication\", line 203, in ExecuteInitialize
>     super().ExecuteInitialize()
>   File "C:\Users\user\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\KratosMultiphysics\ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication\", line 201, in ExecuteInitialize
>     self.search_utility_list[key].ExecuteInitialize()
> RuntimeError: Error: mPointListDestination not initialized
> in kratos/applications/ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication/custom_processes/base_contact_search_process.cpp:1044: BaseContactSearchProcess<3,3,3>::FillPointListDestination
>    kratos/applications/ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication/custom_processes/base_contact_search_process.cpp:1046: BaseContactSearchProcess<3,3,3>::FillPointListDestination
>    kratos/applications/ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication/custom_processes/base_contact_search_process.cpp:432: BaseContactSearchProcess<3,3,3>::CreatePointListMortar
>    kratos/applications/ContactStructuralMechanicsApplication/custom_processes/base_contact_search_process.cpp:175: BaseContactSearchProcess<3,3,3>::ExecuteInitialize

Before that, the reading of the simulation parameters, CL and .mdpa file all seem correct. Am I missing something? Could you look into this issue?

Thank you in advance, and best regards

Daniele Savio

AlejandroCornejo commented 1 year ago

Hi! just to confirm, you just downloaded the input data and tried to run it right? AFAIK the self contact is still under development and not properly tested.

Let's see if @loumalouomega has an idea about what's happening :)

AlejandroCornejo commented 1 year ago

I am interested in self contact too, I can help in this issue too once we know Vicente's opinion

loumalouomega commented 1 year ago

The strange thing is that the same example is used as a nightly test..., should fail as well. Maybe I need to check. Self-contact in Kratos is not perfect, but at least that test should work.

loumalouomega commented 1 year ago

I don't have plenty of time, so I don't know when I will be able to check it. Sorry