KrisKennaway / ii-pix

Convert images to Apple II graphics formats
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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Flags in documentation are out of sync #8

Open xandark opened 1 year ago

xandark commented 1 year ago

The has a conflicting story about the command line flags. In the lower body of the .md file, there is an example that shows --lookahead 8 but that flag doesn't appear to exist anymore.

Also, in the Double Hi-Res section, it shows that there's a --palette ntsc flag, but it doesn't make it clear nor show what the other palette options are. Could that be put in?

Last, running python3 -h only shows the -h option and the positional arguments. I ran it and then was confused because I knew there had to be more.

xandark commented 1 year ago

Also it'd be great if the documentation explained that images will look the best when they're cropped at a ratio of 560:384 for DHR.

KrisKennaway commented 1 year ago

I'll leave this open to improve the documentation, but the short answer to -h is that you get context-sensitive help if you include the positional argument, e.g.

% python dhr -h
usage: dhr [-h] [--show-input | --no-show-input] [--show-output | --no-show-output] [--save-preview | --no-save-preview] [--verbose | --no-verbose]
                      [--gamma-correct GAMMA_CORRECT] [--lookahead LOOKAHEAD] [--dither {floyd,floyd2,floyd-steinberg,buckels,jarvis,jarvis-mod,none}]
                      [--palette {openemulator,ntsc,tohgr,virtualii}] [--show-palette {openemulator,virtualii,tohgr,ntsc}]
                      input output

positional arguments:
  input                 Input image file to process.
  output                Output file for converted Apple II image.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --show-input, --no-show-input
                        Whether to show the input image before conversion. (default: False)
  --show-output, --no-show-output
                        Whether to show the output image after conversion. (default: True)
  --save-preview, --no-save-preview
                        Whether to save a .PNG rendering of the output image (default: True) (default: True)
  --verbose, --no-verbose
                        Show progress during conversion (default: False)
  --gamma-correct GAMMA_CORRECT
                        Gamma-correct image by this value (default: 2.4)
  --lookahead LOOKAHEAD
                        How many pixels to look ahead to compensate for NTSC colour artifacts (default: 8)
  --dither {floyd,floyd2,floyd-steinberg,buckels,jarvis,jarvis-mod,none}
                        Error distribution pattern to apply when dithering (default: floyd)
  --palette {openemulator,ntsc,tohgr,virtualii}
                        RGB colour palette to dither to. "ntsc" blends colours over 8 pixels and gives better image quality on targets that use/emulate NTSC,
                        but can be substantially slower. Other palettes determine colours based on 4 pixel sequences (default: ntsc)
  --show-palette {openemulator,virtualii,tohgr,ntsc}
                        RGB colour palette to use when --show_output (default: value of --palette)
xandark commented 1 year ago

Very nice!

xandark commented 1 year ago

I've been using the latest release and the command line documentation is excellent, and am blown away by the SHR and HGR additions.